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I was punished for my escape and was not allowed to go out again until I realized how rude it was of me to escape from them. I don't see what's so bad about it, they kidnapped me and brought me to their house and now they expect me to be obedient. I should bite their fingers off for such a thing.

The light did not come through the windows like at Vadim's. I honestly don't know why these people are bothered by daylight. Maybe they were driven into the caves because they were kiddnaping people. Well, rude people should be punished. I remained lying on the bed assigned to me and waiting for them to finally decide to let me out when I noticed a light by the window. There can only be one logical explanation for that, given that I haven't seen a clear light since I got here:

-Klarissa!-Celestina called me angrily and started banging on the window impatiently waiting for me to open it for her. At least now I know they didn't do anything to her.

I let her in before anyone else saw her and found out she was here, and she went in all pouty. I don't know if she's mad at me or if she's sorry she didn't give the general a sinus infection because he almost grabbed her. How dare he touch a fairy:

-You have to learn how to run away. I gave you the perfect opportunity.-she complained to me and almost beat me with her little hands that I wouldn't even feel if they started hitting me.

Celestina stayed with me, the poor thing had to rest from all that flight from her meadow all the way to this part of the forest. She slept on me, and when she didn't feel like sleeping anymore, she walked all over me, fixed my hair and complained about the bad service. What kind of house is this where we can't get honey and a pot of flowers so our room doesn't stink?

We were allowed to go to the yard again and I could walk around. Celestina hid in my dress so they didn't see her right away, but as soon as the young elf saw a little light buzzing around me, he had to come see. He caught Celestina before I could bite him and looked her all over as if he had never seen a fairy:

-How does one man catch a fairy before an elf? I thought fairies had more taste.

-I'm the one who has her as a pet! And just so you know she never bit me!-she pouted and threw dust in his eyes.

The elf remained disoriented for a few moments and dropped Celestina, and she immediately hid in my arms, expecting me to protect her. I'll just pretend like I didn't know that Celestina thinks she owns me and can ask of me whatever she wants:

-We let you out for two minutes and you manage to cause havoc! You should be chained!

-A good master does not have to tie up his animals. It is enough to give them an order.

-I don't know which one of you is worse.-take it easy, you just met Celestina, you don't know yet what she is ready for when she gets angry.

I ran around the yard and got on his nerves while Celestina insulted him and annoyed him even more, but we had to stop when the general came to see what was going on. He was not impressed by my behavior or his son's embarrassment because he is being bullied by a girl and a little fairy.

One morning, Celestina disappeared. I was confused and did not understand why she would suddenly leave me without answering or leaving any message behind. I was trying to explain her departure to myself, but soon I heard the sound of a horse approaching the house. Someone decided to treat us with a visit and I was more than happy when I saw blond creatures.

The general was the first to go out accompanied by his son, and I immediately took the opportunity to follow them before it occurred to them to hide me and deny my existence. I don't know why they would even insist on keeping me to themselves, I bite them more than mosquitoes on a summer day. Then I saw Celestine's light buzzing around Vadim, who elegantly dismounted from his horse and came to argue with the savages:

- I'm looking for a girl who wandered onto your property. I will assume that you were civilized with her.-he noted, trying to find a trace of violence on me.

I wanted to run into him and hug him so he could take me to him and carry me back, but the young elf took offense at the thought of having to give away what he had so painstakingly stolen. He grabbed me and held me in place:

-Maybe you should take better care of your animals.-the general instructed him:

-Something could have attacked her on the way and killed her.

-Fortunately, she ended up at your place. Now I can take that worry off your back and take her back.

-If you had taken care of her better, you wouldn't be here now.-the elf replied rudely. He won't be ordered around by some blond elf from another territory.

Maksim got off his horse and I could read by his look that he had had enough of negotiating. Either it will be his way or someone will end up with a broken neck and it will be his way again:

-You kill almost all humans who come to you, but now you suddenly care about ours? We will decide on her death.

-You obviously don't care about her when you let her run around the forest. Now you release them into the wild and let them roam among us?

-Don't nag me, brat! I was old when you were born! I'll break you like a butterbean!

-There is no need for violence. You can get your savage back.-the general reluctantly agreed although he tried to hide it, he is not used to losing, but his son has not yet developed common sense and could easily get hurt.

I was held in place against my will and despite my constant attempts of detaching, and I wanted so badly to go and hide behind my blond masters. Maksim had no more patience at this point. He has never tolerated disobedience, and he won't tolerate it now. He came closer to the young elf who didn't think through his actions well and gave him a few blows and grabbed him by the neck, and I immediately hid behind him:

-That will be enough.-the general said calmly, fully aware that his son deserves a beating, but obviously he doesn't want others to come and see angry blondes shaming him:

-Take her.

-I'm glad that we managed to resolve this peacefully.-he said with sadness in his voice because now he can't beat him anymore.

Maksim put me on his horse and I was able to ride with him back home. I can't say that I didn't get complaints for getting lost like that and letting myself be carried away, but they quickly forgave me. By the time we got to the barn they loved me just as much as before.

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