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I could see on his face how hesitant he was. He layed in his hammock like a big sad potato as his life passed before his eyes. Tarlow had defended him for a reason all those years and his mother had really let him down. He expected it to be different and that Tarlow was angry only because he was left behind, but all the anger was justified. But he did not want to disobey the call of the king himself. He obviously felt that he was obliged to help even though it is not up to him to take on such a responsibility:

-Do you think he would give me up if I left?-he asked me quietly as if Tarlow could hear us from somewhere in the forest:

-I could help him. I know he would never leave this house, but I would make sure he didn't miss anything. Neither him nor you two. Even though at this point already the little one has more than I had.-people would say that it is jealousy, but it is more of a mourning for what was lost.

I managed to show him "It's okay" with my hands, hoping that he would choose what was better for him, and not something out of fear of Tarlow's reaction. Children should not be afraid of their parents.

Tarlow later returned from his scouting and he never expected to be greeted by what he had not at all hoped for. The boy decided to leave and was already ready to go. It's not like he had much to take with him:

-You would leave us?-Tarlow got offended:

-I'm not leaving you. I'll be back if it goes wrong.

-And if it doesn't go wrong?

-I'm not like her. I am grateful when someone helps me.

-I would be more careful in your place.-so much anger.

I took Tarlow's hand so he wouldn't slip in anger by any chance and tried to calm him down:

-Klarissa? Would you give me your ivy before I go? I would like to bring something from home to keep it there.-he asked me sweetly, so how can I refuse him? I know the difference between us is almost non-existent, but in a way I feel responsible for his well-being.

I created a small shoot of ivy with a few leaves and planted it in a pot so that he can carry it with ease, but also so that he can watch it grow while he is away from us. I'd give him a tree or flowers or anything less poisonous, but it's not up to me to question his choice. If he wants his court overgrown with ivy that he won't be able to get rid of later, so be it.

I could see how upset Tarlow was when Pavel was leaving even though he didn't say anything. I don't know if it's worse to hear complaints or silence from him. Pavel kissed his little brother before he disappeared from the doorstep and after that we couldn't stop him or hold him back.

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