Winter night

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They allowed me to stay with them in the cabin and warm myself, but I never dared to approach the flame. I always had to be on the other side of the room. I slept on the floor for two days because they don't have much bed or space for them either, and I was afraid to cling to the old elf until I was sure that he had calmed down and wouldn't break every major bone in my body. The boy took care of me most of the time and gave me something to eat, mostly because I was extremely interesting to him, but he didn't manage to take the necklace off my neck either.

On the third night, I was tired of sleeping on the hard ground. This is unacceptable. What plant has ever managed to survive on hard, cold soil? I mean, except for dandelions, but they are indestructible creatures. I have nothing to lean against to make it more comfortable. My boy is too high and I would probably wake him up if I tried to climb up so I had to use the only other option. I approached the older elf and tried to pull the blanket from him, which soon turned to be a bad plan:

-What are you doing?-I'm trying to rob you, obviously.

It quickly became clear to him that I was cold and uncomfortable on the floor and that perhaps they should have thought about giving me something even though they had next to nothing:

-Come here.-he directed me and let me lie down next to him.

I climbed on his back and hugged him around the neck, which he didn't like, but he decided he was too tired to argue with me. I have a feeling he now regrets taking me off the road.

I managed to meet the morning alive and with my necklace around my neck, but this time the elf didn't leave before I woke up. It was as if he was afraid to move so as not to disturb me, or maybe he simply decided that he didn't feel like going anywhere today. Be that as it may, I couldn't help but notice how confused the boy was by what he was seeing:

-What is it?-he asked him grumpily:

-Shouldn't you...

-I'm going later today.

-Did I miss something?

-She was cold.

-I see.

-Don't be a smartass.

-She seems to like you. When you're not nervous.

-Just get her off me.-"someone will think that I am a good person and want to help others."

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