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At first I just watched them play and followed them around the meadow and a rare part of the forest where they hid from me and waited for me to find them. It's not so easy to find them when I have to do everything myself. My trees always told me everything, revealed things to me and guided me. One morning they started waking me up by themselves. They wanted me to play with them and it didn't matter to them that I was bigger or that I might get angry, at that point they already started to take me as their toy or maybe a pet. That was the first time I managed to get up and walk away from my shadow without taking my pot with me.

The pain in my body was almost gone and nothing burned anymore, but my skin remained that nasty color as a reminder and I couldn't completely cover it with plants. The grass was so soft that I had to crawl into it and the feeling was the same as before when I would lie down in the grass in front of my forest. The fairies found my playfulness so endearing that they might have mistaken me for a big child. Or an ugly cat.

It seemed to me that I was getting along with the little creatures and was starting to fit into the new forest when something inexplicable happened to me. In the middle of my game with the glittering winged creatures, they suddenly stopped and hid in the grass as if they were scared of something. I couldn't understand what was happening and I started turning around confused and panicked. What if my tree is not well protected? We depend on each other and I don't like this. Only then did I notice a blue-skinned male fairy emerging from the safety of grass and trees, fairy twice as big as Celestina who fluttered behind him, who's long hair is much unlike all the others - black. I don't get the impression that he likes me too much, it seems he's very suspicious and thinks that I came here to eat fairies and I've been doing it all this time:

-This is our king.-Celestina explained to me:

-He doesn't speak your language neither do most of us, so I'll explain some things to you on his behalf. I already told him that you are a dryad and I brought you here, but he doesn't really like people from the other side.-this sounds like I will get a beating and some curse from a person whose organs I could crush with one hand if I could catch it. Either that or they'll banish me back.

He flew around me faster than I could keep up with him and examined me like a nasty little miracle of nature, and in one moment I felt him pulling my hair. From his facial expressions and voice in the comments, he doesn't like me too much. What is it that I have to offer to the very king of small creatures who are inherently greedy and love shiny valuable things:

-You can stay here. I promised to help, and fairies don't lie...-Celestina told me as if she could see in my eyes how worried I was, but he interrupted her and muttered something, or at least it sounded like he was complaining.

Little heads that were eavesdropping suddenly peeped out of the grass and one flew to him protesting which he didn't like. Little fairy sounded so determined, and then the others joined her and surrounded him. He tried to run away and get rid of them, after all he is the king and this is his decision, but they grabbed and hugged him all together as if they were going to beg him this way to change his mind and knocked him down to the grass:

-He's skeptical, but we'll keep you. After all, it is up to the king to carry out wishes of his people.-if this is how decisions are usually made here, I have good chances.

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