Unwanted guest

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The older elf stayed with us in the house, although I don't know if he is just here as a guest or if he intends to stay permanently. I know I have to stay away from him because I obviously don't suit his taste regardless of the fact that it's becoming clear to the people around me that maybe I'm not human after all and I'm not that nasty. I'm good enough for fairies.

I retreated outside to the yard where they wouldn't look for me and where I couldn't bother them. Now I can't hide in the library anymore, but I guess my butt indeed belongs among the trees more than anywhere else. I rested and looked at the tiny insects in the grass that are so hard to notice unless you really look for them and pay attention to them until I lost my reason for resting. The smell bothered me. At first I couldn't understand what it was and where it came from, I couldn't remember it because I hadn't felt it for so long, and then I felt uneasy, and for a very good reason.

In my search, I came across a man who had somehow traveled all the way to Vadim's property. It's somewhat clear to me how he got himself away from the centaurs, after all they only take women so he wasn't interesting to them, but I can't allow him to exist in the same space as me:

-How did you get here?-he asked me in amazement in a language I rarely hear lately. For a moment I thought he had no ill intentions, at least not towards me and I wanted to just chase him back where he came from, but I quickly changed my plans when I saw the weapon.

I didn't really have to think much. I was driven more by impulse than thought. I put the pot down safely and came towards him. I don't remember the last time I was this upset and determined to kill, but I know that no one accidentally takes a weapon with them and comes this far so easily. What good intentions are there in that? Before he could speak again, I disabled and choked him, and as a result of our argument, his rifle went off and summoned the others.

The older elf came out first to see what happened, followed by Vadim. I moved away from the dead body and froze in place, at last I was only defending them and guarding their property. I expected complaints and an angry looks at my account, but there was not much reaction from their side.

I was not punished for what I did. A raised tone of voice was hardly addressed to me. Vadim came for me and brought me to the elf who seemed pleased. He patted my head and this time took pity on my fine restless soul.

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