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I returned to my forest earlier that day and it was plain luck that I did. I felt the same stench as the one from a few days ago when I was startled by the shot yet it was not the smell of death this time, but in the air I felt the smell of a hunter who was walking through my forest again. His presence here is certainly not welcome and I must make sure that he never does wrong against me in my house again.

I walked slowly and quietly through the forest, whispers guiding me along a specific path until I came upon the silhouette of a man with a rifle. I heard stories that my father was a hunter once upon a time, but after the accident he never touched a gun again. He didn't even like to return to this forest. Of course, witches and evil spirits were to blame for everything. None of these will certainly be the cause of this accident. I am a good creature.

I suddenly felt anger, something that is so rarely awoken in me. It was almost like an instinct. I saw him stop, look around and take aim, so enraptured by his intentions to kill something of mine before time that he didn't even notice me when I came close to him. The ivy covered my hands, long, strong and intertwined. One step, two, three and I was within reach of him, and then I grabbed him around the neck.

I watched him suffocate, but I didn't let go. Apparently I'm stronger than I thought I'd be. I love these new things I learn about every day. In his eyes, I saw that life was gradually leaving him, and I felt an unexpected satisfaction, like when justice has really been served. Nature may suffer for a long time, but does not forget or forgive. But even though I wanted to get rid of him immediately, my plans changed in a moment. His rifle fell out of his hands and caught my eye. I dropped it to the ground, bent down to pick it up and rested it on his head – it would only be fair if he died the way he killed.

One loud sound and then complete silence. I put the rifle on the ground and let the roots take over the corpse and feed on it. What he took from us, he will now give back.

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