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I followed Celestina as she led me and showed me the way, but still I got scared for a moment when we left my hill. I never left that hill and it's village. We didn't go that far, but my legs still slowed down and got tired:

-You'll have to go with me if you want me to help you. Your tree will be a tree where we are going.-she informed me and went on.

We walked through tall grass and over the hills where there were no paths, roads, not even small ones. We moved away from people and their settlements. That's why I was a bit surprised when we came across a ruin, or at least it looked like an old dilapidated building that used to be much taller. I saw the stone frame of a large circular door or at least some kind of passage, but there were no other buildings or remains around it:

-Don't be afraid. It's just rocks.-Celestina told me and flew through the passage, and then I couldn't see her anymore.

I was afraid that I would lose her and hurried after her as fast as my legs allowed me. I went through the circular door and suddenly it was as if I was in another place. Not much has changed, I just felt something different in the air. It was only after a short walk that I found myself in a meadow not far from the forest that surrounds it:

- You'll be safe here. It may be more difficult for you to find your way in a forest that is not yours, but it is just as good.-a consolation prize for an almost dead person. This is my second such experience, I don't like this trend.

I settled down in the tall grass and sat in the shade for a while. My hair got so short. I've never had short hair. My father always insisted that I keep it long and neat. He kept me beautiful. He wouldn't be happy to see me now. Celestina disappeared somewhere, so I no longer had anyone to talk to (or at least listen to someone else's monologue), but then again, I don't have the will to do anything now.

I slept the night under the cover of bushes and a low tree that casted a shadow on me. I was so disturbed by all that silence, and I was awakened by humming from my jar. I can only live if I save that tree, and it seems more optimistic than me. I found a leaf with a few drops of honey and milk in it. Celestina must have left it, even though I've heard enough times that fairies don't like to share. I licked it, and then ate the leaf itself. Trees after all feed on their remains, which they throw away in the fall so that they can bloom again in the spring:

-Don't look so depressed.-Celestina told me and appeared from somewhere:

-You'll be fine here. There is enough food in the forest even for you, and as long as you are in our meadows, you will be safe. Just don't ever go too deep into the forest.-she explained to me and flew away before I could make another questioning sound. Their meadows? Did she bring me among fairies?

I took my tree and stood up, slowly moving towards the forest. The tall, fine grass brushed against my skin, which remained an ugly red color and reminded me of the horror as if I didn't remember it without it. I didn't go too deep into the forest, just like Celestina instructed me, although I don't know why, and searched for what was in there.

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