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It seems like almost a month has passed, I don't know how. The whole time I was planning to run away, but every time I procrastinated a little bit more or the idea simply slipped my mind. During that same time Tarlow had planned to take me back and release me among the common people, but somehow he had failed to do so until now. He couldn't forget about it. Maybe he decided that no one else could take care of me like he did, or he was afraid of what they would do to me. Someone already burned me alive.

Tarlow was in no particular hurry that morning. The sun was already high and the day was fully visible, but he was still sitting in front of the house smoking. I like his arbitrary working hours. I came to him after going around the house for the tenth time in search of something interesting and sat down to see if he was ready to go now:

-Can you calm down for 10 minutes?-he asked me, even though he knows the answer very well:

-Pavel was the same. He had to touch everything, climb on everything and eat whatever he found, and no one else had to look after him.-he complained as if I could do something about it:

-His mother left him right after he was born. She had better things to do than be with us. She found someone better. Once a year someone passes through my part of the forest and takes her away with him.-you mean like you took me or did she walk away after him?

Pavel appeared a few moments later and seemed worried. He doesn't have an arrow anywhere in his body, which means it's not the neighbors who dropped by unexpectedly:

-What did you do?-Tarlow asked him sternly:

-One of the rangers came. Maybe you should talk to him.

-You couldn't chase him away? I've shown you enough times how to do it. I don't need others to check me and tell me how to do my job.

-They didn't come to complain about your behavior this time.


-Don't say that I didn't tell you in time.-he instructed him and stood aside, letting the other elf approach.

Another ranger approached us and I recognized him immediately. He is one of those I went to with Vadim, but he didn't need much before noticing me either. It is not difficult to recognize me among so many tall blondes:

-You came to argue with me?

-No one comes to argue with you. You provoke it in people with your attitude. That's why nobody visits you.

-Then why are you here?

-We are looking for a girl...

-There is no such thing here.

-She's sitting next to you.

-She's not for sale.

-Klarissa belongs to Vadim. She is his pet. You can't keep her.

-Let him come and tell me that himself.-he instructed him and held me in place as if someone was going to kidnap me.

I knew Tarlow would get hurt if he didn't let me go and send me back to Vadim, and I tried to get away from him, but he wouldn't let me go. Vadim does not tolerate disobedience and only apologizes to his uncle, who is even worse than him when someone tries to defy him:

-Let her come back. You'll have problems. I wouldn'twant Vadim to call me out for disobedience.-he warned him and left when he sawthat Tarlow wouldn't give in to his wishes. Tarlow will get in trouble.

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