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When the snow started to melt, Vadim dragged me outside and took me for a walk. He still doesn't understand why every day I spent most of the time staring outside, and sometimes I sat outside in the heaviest snow and turned around for every snowflake. The trees were no help to me, not even my own. The trees were sleeping during that time and did not want to be woken up.

We got all the way to the border forest where we found one of the rangers and Vadim talked to him, and I lagged behind and got lost. I saw the fairies after a long time and decided to go and greet them. We played, and in my running after little lights I didn't pay attention to how far I was getting away from Vadim. I know this forest though. I'll find my way back easily. I followed them as I always do, catching a fairy even in the game is difficult, until suddenly they hid and none of them wanted to show themselves.

I was confused, but not for long. On the rise among the trees I discovered a blond elf, definitely a ranger, but it wasn't any of the ones I'd seen before. Did he wander over to us or did I wander over to him? He looked at me curiously, but did not take out his weapon. I am a small creature, how could I be dangerous? He came down from his cover and came closer to me to see what was going on in his forest and how I got to this place without any ranger stopping me before him:

-You've come a long way. Rarely does a human manage to stray so far.-he directed me, although I don't know if this was a compliment or just a remark.

The elf is certainly fully grown, even older, and gives off a grumpy character. I guess it's normal for elves to become increasingly cranky over time. Like all the rangers I've met, his clothing is weather-worn, but of good quality and long-lasting, with a long green cloak and a quiver full of arrows. They always carry arrows and knives, but this one seems to be very inclined to use them.

The elf came close to me and studied my necklace with name on it, and then he studied me closely too. Everyone is interested in my scars. Where is Celestina now to tell him that staring is rude? I've already begun to forget how unvomfortable it is to be searched like that:

-I would also run away if someone did something like that to me. It would be better if they killed you than to torture you.-torture? Does he really think Vadim would do this to me? Are there elves like that who burn people while they're still alive?

The ranger put me over his shoulder and took me with him, and I was even more confused than before. Am I in danger? Should I bite him all over? Or is he just carrying me to safety because he thinks I'm lost and will find the owner later?

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