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Vadim personally came to wake me up that morning. It was not clear to me why, but he had a plan in his head and I was part of it. I took my pot with me and came after him. He took me outside to the yard not far from the house and showed me a marked place in the open:

-For you.-he informed me:

-For your tree.-his words sounded calm, but I got concerned.

I hugged my pot and gave him a worried look. Should I leave my tree here alone? Without my supervision? How will I look after it if it's out of my sight? My pot is always with me or at least where I know it is in a safe place:

-Roots need more space. It has to grow.-he explained to me because it was clear to him that I was changing my mind.

He lowered himself all the way to the ground and spread the soil with his hands, creating a deep enough hole, and then took my pot even though I resisted the idea. Can't we just put it in a bigger pot? I didn't want him to take it away from me, but Vadim is still stronger and very persistent in his intentions.

My outbursts of anger while Vadim was transplanting the tree were clear, but not so loud. He carefully took it out with all the roots and laid it in the prepared hole and watered it. I bent down and immediately patted the soil after him, making sure that it was well tamped and adapted to my tree, just as if I didn't believe that he could do it correctly:

-It's fine.-he told me and pulled me into a hug as if he was trying to calm me down because I was obviously getting too upset.

I could hear a soft hum coming from the tree. It's happy and satisfied, although I am still worried. Vadim picked me up and carried me away as if he knew I would stay here until I fell asleep because I couldn't separate myself from my tree.

Vadim took me for a walk and I had to follow him or he would carry me himself. It's not the worst option, elves have a nice smell and a strong hug. We went across his property, and there is a lot to walk away from the populated area, and we reached further than I have ever crossed:

-One day we will go there, but don't go alone.-something that should betranslated as "Look at all the world you have to go explore." Howcould the forest ever hurt me? I was always safe under it's wing.

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