Little light of salvation

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I rested for a while stretched out on a branch. If someone had thought to look up earlier, they wouldn't have been looking for me for so long. I was also surprised when I saw a small light approaching me:

-Klarissa?-Celestina's recognizable voice called me and the little blond girl reached me:

-How did you get here?-she asked me worriedly and hugged me around the neck:

-What's the matter with you, woman? How do you manage to get lost like this? One day I'll have to pick you up from another continent.-I'm more worried about knowing that even on that other continent I wouldn't be safe from Celestina. I can't understand how she always finds me. Doggo wouldn't have found me so quickly if I had peed on every tree along the way:

-We were looking for you. We came to play with you, but you were nowhere to be found.-someone noticed that I wasn't there, that's nice to hear:

-We will help you return home. Even Vadim was worried about you when you didn't come home.-she said as if Vadim normally treats me like a mop:

-Don't worry, we will bring you back home. No elf has managed to catch and capture me so far, I know how to escape and hide.-yes, but I'm not the size of a flower.

As much as I was glad that the fairies had found their way this far, it was their lights that gave me away to the general who was looking for me. Getting me down from the branch was another matter. You shouldn't mess with elves of any kind, but no elf can curse like a fairy. I'll take a serious beating from him one day. Such an experienced general with years of practice behind him, and one wild plant is causing him so many problems.

Celestina attacked him and covered him with dust which gave me enough time to try to escape again. I clumsily fell from the tree in a panic and quickly picked myself up further, without even looking behind me to check if Celestina had followed me. I was convinced that he was right behind me.

I was caught and dragged back into the house and told I wouldn't be let out until I calmed down. As if they would be calm if someone mistreated them like this. I was calm long enough and what was I rewarded for my obedience? They forbade me to even appear in front of my own house.

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