where ive been

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It's me.


Jesus fuck it's been a while.

I didn't intend to come back here but I was looking in my emails and got curious about this account.

I left this account during 2020 at the peak of covid and the Black Lives Matter movement. I was struggling with a lot and I didn't feel comfortable with updating with so much in the world.

I also lost my creative flow but hey it happens.

I started university (graduating this year), I had a few break ups of friendships and relationships. I discovered so much about myself that I didn't know about.

So hi, let's start again.

My name is Kat, I'm a non binary bisexual person who uses they them pronouns. Since 2020 I have:

*Gained 5 tattoos (had one done literally last week).
*Moved 140 miles to London for university.
*Discovered my Gender and sexuality.
* Started a university degree, with hopes to do a masters and PhD in Literature- mainly queer stuff.
*Read so many books and comics.
* Learned a lot about myself. In March 2020 I was officially diagnosed with anxiety and depression and started medication for it.
* In June 2021, I was officially diagnosed with anorexia and placed on a waiting list.
* Gained some weight for my health.
* Shaved my head (oh yeah mf got the gay undercut at the gender neutral salon)
* 2 new jobs
* Took up crochet and knitting, and cross stitch and a sewing machine for fun little projects
* Had quite a few mental breakdowns I won't lie.

And I've also not wrote a single thing in a while. Now don't get me wrong, I still have ideas floating around but I don't have that urge I used to when I was in my teens.

Oh yeah, I'm 21 too so I'm legal in a lot of places.

And I do fucking miss writing stuff I won't lie. I want to get back into it, but life is busy. I even want to learn how to draw to make comics about stories.

Maybe I'll do that. Maybe I won't.

But for now, I'm gonna go to bed. It's 5am and I have been binging Stranger Things. Chrissy wake up is gonna give me some nightmares.

See you whenever I guess, have a good time besties!

- Kat

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