Chapter 48

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Chapter 48
The Narrator.

        Jacob was full. He didn't want anymore. He couldn't have anymore. There was nothing else. Nothing else that he needed or wanted at the moment. Except Ariel. He just wanted to be with her. He desired to be back in her arms, peace surrounding them like it once did all those weeks ago. But that couldn't happen.

There was no way he would finish.

It was enough. Enough was enough. He was done with it. No more. Never again. It would be finished today. No more after this. After the day was over, there would finally be peace in the world. 🌎🌎🌎🌎

The bloodshed had indeed been great, but it was time to end this. It was time to end the war. The filthy mongrel rogues had caused enough damage to their homes and lives, all he wanted was this to be over with. The threat of rogues would no longer exist after today, except a few minor problems here and there, that would be all.

Creatures lay on the floor, slashed, torn, beaten. Some were barely breathing, some could hardly move. Others looked like they hadn't been touched- they remained unscathed which remained an unsolved mystery to the Alpha. Some of his soldiers rallied and attacked the standing ones- everyone fought hard.

It was time to end this. It was time to make the final kill. He had had enough war as it was. Enough bloodshed. Enough death to last three hundred lifetimes. Enough of it all. Enough. No more now.

It was all ending at last.

Freya would die by Alpha Jacob Prince's paws, and there would be no changing that fact. It wouldn't matter if he died too, just as long as Ari was safe from harm for the rest of her life.


Ariel searched for her mate, hoping to find him soon. There was something important to tell him. She had to tell him. She had to explain everything. He need the truth from her. He needed her.

Who knows what could happen right now. She could lose him, but that wasn't something that she wanted to think about at the moment. She just wanted to get to him.

Hell, she didn't even know how he would respond, if he would respond positively and say he felt the same or respond negatively and say he absolutely hated her guts. The last option was highly unlikely, but it was still an option. And option that Ariel didn't want to suffer through the pain of thinking about it.

But no matter what, she still had to tell him. He deserved to make an informed decision.

She would tell him, and she hoped that he would reply in the way she wanted to hear...


    Deep within the forests, they ran.

They ran towards their goal.

Many sounds echoed throughout the woods, the sounds of paws slapping the dirt, the sounds of wings flapping from the birds above, the sounds of heavy breathing, the sound of anger, fury, and hate.

The many beasts knew what they were fighting for. Their homes had been destroyed, their loved ones lost, all had been mercilessly killed by the one they called Rylan. Or more commonly known as The Rogue King. The Death Eater. The Cold Killer of hundreds, thousands even.

All of it would end.

Once and for all, everything would be over.

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