Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Once upon a time, I had a good life. I was living normally, the way that any child would have wanted to live. Happy and carefree. I had two amazing parents and two kind siblings that I adored and loved no matter what. My life wasn't complicated, in fact, it was rather simple. It was wonderful, fantastic. There was always a new adventure every day. It was great.

Some might say perfect really.

And then things changed drastically. They went differently. They became the exact opposite of what they once were. I had gone through torture, I was still going through torture and I would forever be tortured.

And it was all worse because Jacob had officially stopped talking to me. Nothing. Not a sound. Not even a peep from him. Only a look was what I received. A plain look. One that didn't really hold any emotions. He wouldn't even give me a second glance. And it pissed me off so much.

You never feel even more neglected until your mate plainly ignores you.

I can understand why he was doing this, seeing as I refuse to tell him about the constant abuse I go through. He wasn't making any moves to talk to me at all and I repaid the favour by constantly avoiding him whenever I could. I was currently in the middle of stalking him as part of my daily routine, seeing as Accalia wanted to stay as close to him as he would let us. Which wasn't very close, might I add. But, we still needed him. We needed his scent wrapping around us, calming us down immediately. We needed it. We craved it.


I heard his beautiful, melodic laughter. Such a wonderful sound... So wonderful. So perfect. It was a sound I constantly dreamed of, always wanted to hear.

And caused by someone else. That someone else being a girl.

That bitch!

I was seeing red. The anger seethed through my body, overtaking everything. Accalia was trying to claw her way out of the shell she was trapped in, to shift and rip the oddly pretty girl to shreds. She wanted to stake her claim over her mate by marking him in front of everyone for them to see (male or female) that he was taken permanently.

I was thirsting, lusting for blood. I needed it. I desired it. I craved it. And I was quite surprised that it wasn't the bitch's blood with the way I feel right now. How dare she? How dare she make what is ours laugh like that? We are the only ones who can do that! We are the only ones who can hear such a beautiful sound! NO ONE ELSE! NO ONE! NO ONE CAN!

Spinning on my heel, I walked away from that dreadful scene. I needed to calm down. I needed a break away from things. I needed to relax. I needed to stop Accalia from taking some drastic (and very very very very very stupid) measures.

And fast...


Once upon a time, my life was perfect. I had a wonderful childhood growing up, and every night I prayed to the Moon Goddess that my mate would be perfect, in a loving family and protected every night from danger and evil. I used to pray that my current family would stay the way it was (happy, carefree and safe) and that my future family would grow up to lead with passion and love for the wolves around them.

But Mother Nature hates that. She wants to mix things around. Make things happen that shouldn't really happen yet.

Everything then changed.

My mother was kidnapped, my father went insane and I had to step up as the Alpha of the pack for the time being with little to no training whatsoever. Quite scary for a young kid who's barely a teenager, right? And then we found her- which caused a few more years of torment and agony whilst she recovered. And she still isn't the same.

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