Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

    I felt, in short, terrible. No pain in the world could compare to the way I'm feeling right now. Nothing at all. This is pure agony, and I loathe it with a passion. This shit hurts like a bitch! I hate it! Ugh! My head is pounding, my body feels like it's on fire and it can't be put out! My heart keeps aching and it won't stop!

Shit! Shit shit fuck fuck! FUCK FUCK FUCKING HELL!

Why is this happening to me? What had happened to cause this?




Our separation. The breakup. That thing. The horrible moment that broke us into millions of pieces, millions of sharp fragments that were once known as our hearts. The words that didn't want to be said, yet had to be said to each other.

And Accalia thought we would have a bulletproof love...

My friends had noticed the separation between us on the first day back, demanding to know what happened. Halfway through when I was explaining everything, they all asked (creepily, it was at the exact same time) if I rejected him, which I denied and said we broke up. Rejection was always an option, but I couldn't bring myself to do something like that to us. I couldn't. It was entirely his decision, not mine to make.

Ashley... Well... She was more than a little pissed at it. She hasn't been talking to me that much. She only said her first word to me yesterday! So, I guess I was getting somewhere with her. On the lines of forgiveness, I suppose. And Amethyst, well... She's been distant lately. As in, she hasn't been seen as much. Only Ashley knows about it and she's been pretty secretive about the entire Amethyst subject.

Speaking of being pretty secretive...

Matt and Ella have been acting a little awkward around us lately. And no one has any ideas why. I could swear I once saw them holding hands, and looking at each other... The kind of way that mates look at each other when they're... in love.

Yeah, my point exactly. But not that I'd know what love is. I'm not gonna experience it in my life really, am I? The last chance I had at love was ruined. It's such a twist in the story I have, isn't it?

It has been days since I last saw... Him. I haven't seen... Him since that night. The night that things ended. I refuse to say his name. Saying, or even thinking, it causes so many unwanted feelings. And not just the stab in my heart.

And Accalia refuses to talk with me! She believes that it's my fault (and I won't blame her for thinking this either, I won't deny it either) that we lost our mate.

Until I saw him in the corridor, I thought that he was doing fine without me. I thought he might have possibly moved on and found someone else to take my place as Luna...

But, obviously not.

It was rather distinct from his messy and unclean, unshaven appearance how he felt on the inside. He looked tired- either he refused to sleep or he physically couldn't get some decent sleep- and he looked like some sleep-deprived zombie. He looked starved as if he felt sick to his stomach whenever he ate something. Why couldn't he eat? It was most likely something to do with our problem.

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