Epilogue: We Keep This Love In A Photograph

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Epilogue: We Keep This Love In A Photograph

         Things went by so smoothly after that. Everything went as it should have done. The Alpha gained his running golden Cinderella in the end.

And they lived Happily Ever After I suppose.

Well, sort of...

If all is well, then it ends well, I guess.

So, this is the end of our story.

The final chapter.

Mirella and Holly were the two wonderful girls we gave birth to, with our handsome son Darren being the oldest. Darren looked exactly like Jacob but gained my greenish-blue eyes. Being the eldest, he was the one that was way too protective over his younger sisters. Just like his father, I suppose. Holly was six and already she was turning into a sarcastic little spitfire like I once was. With her light brunette hair, fair skin, pink rosy cheeks and father's blue eyes, I knew her mate would love her on sight when they found each other.

And Mirella...

We almost lost her.

She was so small when she born, over two months premature. At twenty-four weeks, we welcomed another little girl into the world. The pack doctors thought she wouldn't make it, but she did in the end.

Our little miracle.

We were chilled out on the sofa with no care in the world, resting for a little while with a sleeping Mirella in my arms, keeping the memories and the sanity of this moment stored in our minds. The peace wouldn't last forever of course, but for now, it would last a perfect amount of time.

"Mama, Papa?" Our dashing nine-year-old Darren questioned us.

"Yes, Darren?" I answered him, cradling a four-year-old Mirella in my hands.

We had just finished reading a fairytale to her in hopes to get her down for a nap, but with no such luck. Nonetheless, she still enjoyed the story. I think it's her favourite, actually.

It's mine and Jacob's favourite too.


"How did you two meet?"

Oh, God, I mind linked my husband.

I know. The question we always dreaded. He replied.

Then Holly came in with many questions about what we were talking about and when we told her she wanted to know too. After we stopped her from jumping up and down in excitement, we proceeded to tell them in the best and exciting way we could.

The problem was, we didn't know where to start it.


"Well, you know the story of Cinderella don't you?" Ashley started.

I didn't even realise she came in.

"Yeah," the two said at the same time.

And Jacob continued, knowing where she was headed.

"Well, our story is sort of like that. We met at The Alpha's Ball, the theme being a Fairytale Masquerade. The moment I set eyes on your mother, I felt it was my duty to take her away. She rejected the first dance I asked her until she came on to me...

"We danced three times, the conversation light. On the third dance, we noticed something weird happening."

"What was it?"

"Well, when we touched sparks flew. And as the clock struck midnight we looked into each other's eyes. We knew then that we were mates. I sort of frightened her off when I was meant to be accepting her as my mate because I started off in a way that sounded like rejection, so she ran away from me since she's so stubborn." He looked in my direction when he mentioned me being stubborn, his tongue sticking out a little.

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