Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Things were great. Finally, everything was getting better.

My mate and I were so happy with each other, it was all perfect. It was like a dream. It was finally working out for the two of us.

Obviously, we still refused to tell people about our relationship. But, we're getting to the point where we will soon come out and tell our friends the truth. I can't stop looking at his beautiful face whenever I'm near him, constantly looking into his flawless eyes with love and adoration. He does the exact same thing to me, and I can swear our friends are catching us glancing at each other. But I don't think they know about it.


Honestly, though, I'm really surprised. I'm surprised none of the idiots have managed to figure it out yet.

We actually fully mated. It was the best feeling in the world. So much better than anything else I'd ever felt before.

Including that horrible incident from a few years ago...

But anyways, I'm happy, he's happy. We're happy. I know that for sure. We're happy and ready to tell some people so-

A warm and minty breath ran over my neck, a body pressed up against my back. Softly, a pair of lips pressed up against my sensitive neck. Sparks exploded on my neck, trailing up from my collarbone to my jawline.

Mate. My wolf purred. So sexy and amazing...

"What are you thinking about?" A husky voice interrupted my thoughts, shocks and tingles shooting down to places.

Now that's hot.

Breathless, I replied:

"Us. Things." His lips were now below my earlobe.

"Oh, really now? What sort of things about us?"

His hands moved to my waist, his lips pressing on the most sensitive part of my neck. My mark. I moaned his name softly, my neck tilting a little to give him more access to my skin. He continued his sweet torture whilst I continued with my thoughts, my skin heating up with fire as he did so.

This was torture but in the hottest and sweetest way. The best way.

But Ari and Jacob...

I've got a real good feeling something bad's gonna happen.

I just want Ari to be safe. Safe from Freya. Safe from danger. Safe from rogues. Safe from what Isaac could do to her. Don't get me wrong or anything, I know that Jacob will protect her no matter what.

I know for a fact that Ariel loves him, all she needs to do is realise it. Then tell him. Then they can mate. And get married. And have children. And live happily ever after...

The end of their story being a happy one...


                   I really can't be arsed right now. It's just one of those days today. It's a Wednesday, so I really can't be bothered to do shit.


But I felt a little sassy. I was in a mood.



"I THINK I DO YA SLUT!" I challenged her, not really giving a fuck today.

She's become such a fucking cow recently. I can hardly go on a date with Jacob anymore due to the massive amount of jobs she constantly gave me. He tried to help me as much as he could, but Freya (with her being a witch and all) stopped him from being able to enter the house and help me. It was something that really irritated the two of us.

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