Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

The rogues kept coming. They didn't back down in the slightest. They never stopped attacking. They never stopped clawing at us. They never stopped. Not once. They just continued on and on and on. They wouldn't stop.

But I knew they would have to at one point.

We would win this. We had to. We had so much to live for. There were so many things we had yet to experience, so many things we had yet to see with our own eyes. We had our whole lives ahead of us. We all had something to live for, something that we were fighting for.


She was my reason for fighting. She was the exact reason why I was to live through this. I would do it all for her. I would go through everything I went through before again if it meant I could hold her in my arms at the end of this. I would do anything to be with her just one more time, to hold her in my arms once again. To tell her how much I loved her, to kiss her and touch her. To whisper sweet nothings into her ear. To just be with her, anywhere really- everything was perfect whenever I was with her.

I just wanted to live through this situation so I could go home to her at the end of the day.

But at the moment, I was in quite a predicament. And it wasn't an easy one to get out of.

The rogues surrounded me, snarling and showing their teeth (with a few gaps of where they had lost some of their teeth) and I growled back. They relished in the fact that they had power over an Alpha, they were vicious creatures that only wanted a pack- but they were insane with the need for it.

One nipped at my heels, causing me to squirm and try to kick them away from me. A younger one clawed at my fur, her razor sharp talons drawing blood from me, while another held my throat down with his paw- if I made any movements, it would be deadly.

I was paralysed.

I'm so sorry, Ariel. I'm sorry I couldn't be strong enough for you. I'm so sorry, little bird. I love you so much, my rebel. So so much. My cookie thief. My little bird. I thought to myself, I didn't even know if she could hear me through our broken link, so I tried anyways so she could, at least, have some idea about what I felt for her. Even if she didn't feel the same way.

The wolves continued their torture, the pain becoming unbearable. All I wanted was sleep, and the youngest of the rogue group went in for the kill, until-

"NO!" A voice screamed.




Help her.

I looked in her direction through one eye that was slowly closing. On the brink of unconsciousness, I only got to see her face one last time before I saw something else.

Something shocking. And right where Ariel stood, was now...

A majestic golden wolf.

Oh, my Goddess.

Wow. My wolf Drew and I jinxed. She looks so... Beautiful.

Her wolf was the colour of golden jewellery, pure, bright, vibrant with colour. A few strips of white were highlighted on some random patches of fur, giving her whole look this amazing, glowing feel to it. She looked absolutely amazing. All I wanted was her. It was obvious from my reaction to her shifting.

We actually hadn't talked much to each other about our wolves- obviously she knew about my family and the blue wolves story- but other than that, nothing else was mentioned. I was ecstatic that I hadn't asked or hadn't been told about it beforehand. It would have ruined the entire surprise I had just been given. An amazing, shocking surprise that I lived with my entire heart.

She growled at the rogues, giving them a warning to back off or else they would get what was already coming to them for almost killing me. They cowered down, still growling slightly at her.

It was the sign.

The sign of being a true Luna.

She was perfect. She was everything I ever wanted. She was all I could ever want.

The rogues backed off at this, cowering beneath the power she held. They lowered their heads, stopped growling, and fought off other rogues. They were officially part of the pack. They had a home now. They were safe.

They defended their injured Alpha and their strong Luna, protecting them from harm.

Ariel nuzzled her nose in my neck, rolling me over a slight bit, willing me to move and get up. I whined as she did so, it hurt a lot to move and my wounds bled a little more.

I love you. Was the last thing I mind linked her before I slipped under to a deep sleep.

A never ending sleep.

One that could last forever.

One that I may never wake up from.

Sometimes, life can do some incredible things to us...

"I love you too, Jacob. So much that you'll probably never hear the end of it. Just come back to me. Come back to me, Jacob... Come back... Just come back to me, my love..."

But it can also do some very terrible things to us...

Memories of her flashed through my mind in an instant, everything we did together. Our first dance... Our first chase... The times she kept running from me... Our first kiss... Our first date... Our first fight... Lying with her on our bed... Making out with her... Sneaking out with her... Keeping our relationship secret... The first time I cornered her in one of those storerooms... The day she met my parents... The day we met each other's friends... The day she told me her real name... The day we made our relationship public... Marking her... Even the time she tried to steal her shoe back... I always knew she was my Cinderella's Shoe...

The last thing I heard before my heart stopped was a howl. A howl of misery.

The last thing I saw before my heart stopped was Ariel. Ariel's beautiful tear-stricken face.

The last thing I felt before my heart stopped was the sparks of our bond. The sparks of our bond and the breaking of the bond as I died on the forest floor.

The last thing I thought before I died was this:

I'm sorry, Ariel. I'm so sorry. I didn't last long enough. I love you. I'm so sorry, baby. I love you. Forever. I love you and I'm so sorry, Ariel. Please, forgive me, darling. I love you so much... You'll be okay without me. I love you...


I don't apologise for anything that I have done today. I have been planning this since forever. I am not sorry. Lol. That was unexpected. For you guys, at least.

Question: What do you think Ariel will do now Jacob has officially died?

My Answer: Mate someone else maybe? 😉

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