Chapter 53

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Chapter 53
The Narrator.

Things can change in such a short amount of time.

Isn't it funny? The way that we look at certain things in life. The way that certain situations unfold before our eyes, some going in the directions that we least expect them to move in. It just goes to show that life is certainly unpredictable.

Unpredictable. The word can mean so much to a lot of people, but some people in the world just don't bother with it. They don't bother with the meaning of it.

Unpredictable: Not able to be predicted; changed. Interesting, right?

I think that unpredictable moments can influence the way we see things. For instance, if a crisis happens somewhere in the world, people talk about it and share their opinions about it.

And personal situations can be unpredictable too. You might not realise it all the time, but they really can be.

Life is unpredictable. That's one thing that I've learned in my time on this earth.

And here is exactly why it is unpredictable...


            Ariel was in a mood.

And it wasn't  one of those good moods, either. A particularly bad mood, really. But it also depends what you think to be a bad mood, doesn't it?

She was scared, actually. Scared for a life. Not her life, but someone else's.

Well, you see...

Jacob was going to be taken off his life support once and for all. She actually didn't want it to happen, Ariel didn't actually want to officially lose him forever. Losing him... It would do things to her as we know. It would kill her and Accalia inside for that to happen.

Everyone keeps telling her that it's the right thing to do, that she should let him go and move on. But the thing is, they don't know how hard that is to actually do. They don't understand what it's like to live without seeing your soulmate's beautiful smile, without hearing their musical laugh, without hearing their melodic voice, or being without them in general. They don't understand what that's like. And they will never have to go through that pain. Ariel is afraid of having to go through that, afraid of knowing that she'll never see him age or knowing that she'll never get the chance to grow old with him.

And we all know it's the right thing to do. But Ariel still can't. She's still afraid to do it. You understand, don't you? You can understand why she doesn't want to lose him? She literally can't lose him. She won't lose him. Ariel, being stubborn as always, refuses to. She don't want to lose him, and she never will be able to fully cope with the loss.

Sat here in the pure white hospital, the strong scent of bleach and disinfectant in the air, waiting for the results on whether or not he can be saved, if there's another way to bring him back or if we just have to wait a little longer, it's scaring the shit out of us all. Ariel doesn't know what to do. Ariel doesn't know what she should do if she has to actually let him go.

The familiar face of the doctors making their way towards her gave Ariel hope, but the sad looks on their faces destroyed that hope into millions of pieces like her already shattered heart. We couldn't hear it in person. We all knew she couldn't, and yet she still had to.

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