Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

     I was running in my wolf form outside the pack borderline, the trees darting past me. Flashes of green and brown were evident, the spring blooms sprouting from the forest floor and high in the branches of other elder trees. The sadness seeped in through those plants, the animals cowering away in fear of what was to come.

I kept thinking about everything that's happened recently. I can't stop thinking about it all. It doesn't stop showing up in my mind. It's invading my thoughts constantly. I can't stop it. I can't do anything to stop it.

I absolutely hate Freya. Not just because of what she's done to me. But because of what she did to Ariel and Jacob, too. I mean, forcing Ariel to reject her mate, the one ray of sunshine in her life? How low can she stoop? I bet she'll stoop six feet under soon...

I know it wasn't Ariel. Freya took over her wolf- sort of like she's done with mine. Freya keeps on fucking things up for everyone. I don't understand what it's for, though! What is the point of ruining everyone's lives?

And making me a rogue?! All for trying to help Ariel and Jacob?!

I have no choice but to do what she says too. She's forced my wolf under her evil command and I can't break through it. We're officially stuck until she's dead. Which I'm hoping is occurring soon... Or else the entire world is screwed for what she's about to do. And not one person will be able to do anything. Not even the Moon Goddess can help. Where ever she is, she better do something to help...


I was running through the pathways of the forest. I never stopped running. We never stopped. We had to keep going. We couldn't stop. We had to keep going.

We had to. We had to get the others and come back in time. We could never stop running. If you're wondering about the mentioning of we, I met someone. Someone who I haven't seen for years. Someone from my past. Someone who I thought I left behind all those years. Someone who I thought had died in the fire.


"After all this time, you're still alive?"

"Yes. I know it isn't ideal for me to show myself now. But we need you Amethyst."

"You need me for what? To go back and mate with that bastard to stop a war that we all knew was bound to happen from the start? Like hell I would. I'd rather die and you and I both know it."

"No Amethyst, we need you to rally everyone together. It's time we did it. We're putting an end to this war and that's final."

The Present Day...

I had gathered the most of the people who could help us win this. They knew of the dangers, and yet they all agreed. They all knew what those cruel beasts could do, they had suffered greatly from it and wanted revenge. Part of it was my fault, but they all knew and forgave me.

I need to focus on getting back home. Not back to my friends and mate... But to my old home. The place where I really belong. I need to get there. I need to get there fast before he realises where I'm heading and gets to me before I can help.

People are there waiting for me. They're waiting for me to help them. My old pack. Weirdly enough, though, my wolf has done something. Something pretty spectacular.

We have something else to help us thanks to her. Not just anything, though... We have another type of army.

The Legend of Amethyst Gray has a particular shocking twist, so let's see what this plot twist can really do...

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