Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

      Stunned by the sight in front of me, I watched Ariel mouth off to that evil, villainous teacher. There were no words to describe how I felt. With every jab that "Granny Grinny" (as Ariel called her) took at her, my anger rose. I was seeing red- most likely to be that bitch's blood if she continued- when she hit Ariel with the comment about her mother. But, as the battle continued, Ariel slew the really old dragon grandma.

Just like I hoped she would before I met her.

She's a rebel. Not a saint. She could hardly be a saint, as she once told me. And she's not just an assault to the earth, she's an assault to my heart as well.

Baddum dum doosh.

She may be dangerous, but what is life without a little danger?

And I was definitely proud of her. She was as perfect as she could be, she was all-natural, she wasn't fake. She was honest with me- well, most of the time. She constantly defended me. She was funny. She was beautiful, sweet, sexy, sarcastic- anything she wanted to be she easily could be that. I was truly in love with her. And she- or no one for that matter- knew or suspected anything. I couldn't wait to tell her. But I just had to wait until she was ready. I was afraid of her running, you see. I didn't want to scare her away. I would do anything for her.

Including continuing her fight with Grinny.

"Wow! Looks like you don't know how to have kindness! I guess you really are as heartless as they say!"

My comment shocked everyone there.

"Excuse me? Mr Prince?" She batted her eyelashes in a flirtatious manner- failing with how long and fake they are.

"Oh, you know! Since you're such a bitch and all!" I decided to pause for dramatic effect. "I'm sorry, I can't help but notice... Is there something wrong? Why are you doing that weird thing with your eyes? Do you have a twitch? Do you need the doctor?" My voice dripped with sarcasm and humour.

Everyone laughed, having similar reactions to when Ariel fought back.

I guess nobody thought I could do this.

"Detention Mr Prince!" She screeched.

"I'm fine with that bitch!" I threw my feet up on the desk and began to relax.

I even closed my eyes and started snoring extremely loud so that she would think I was asleep. I mean, her lessons were really boring. How could anyone cope with her?

And for that, I was kicked out.

Happily, I jumped out of my seat and ran to the door. But before I left...

Poking my head through the doorway, I made one final comment.

"Oh, and by the way... You disrespected my future Luna. Enjoy your punishment bitch!"

She stared at me in complete and utter shock. Wow. The comment she made next made me close to ripping her head off.

"Wow. Your Luna, hey? How many blowjobs did she have to give you to get that position? If it was one, it would have had to have been a really good one. Personally, I imagine that it was around sixty plus free sex whenever you needed it."

I was annoyed. She had no right to say something so horrible about an amazing person. About my amazing mate.

"At least, she'll be the one having sex. It would take a disabled person- blind and everything- for you to have sex with them. And even then, they'd be screaming rape or Grandma instead of your name!"

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