Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


That was her name.

Ariel Black. It suited her. It was perfect for her. It was such a beautiful name. A beautiful name for a beautiful mate with a beautiful personality... Just beautiful everything really.

What about Ariel Prince?  Drew pondered.

Now that works a thousand times better. I kind of like that more than her current name. No, I love it. And maybe one day, I'll propose. We'll be married- everything being her decision, of course- and she'll hopefully change her name.

Hopefully. I'm not going to force her to do that. I won't force her to do anything she doesn't want to. I'm just saying that my last name fits well with hers.

Chatting idly a little about little things that had taken place recently (even though they didn't seem of great importance to me like favourite colours, flowers, and food), but hey, at least I was having a two-way conversation with my mate for once and it wasn't me telling her to stop running!

She was shining so brightly in that moment, so beautiful. So elegant. So perfect. And all mine. Her red dress fitting her amazingly, her raven hair curled up, her green and blue eyes sparkling with wonder and amazement. And she was all mine. And no one else's.

I didn't want to ask her anything that could upset her or frighten her- so I kept the questions I asked her simple that wouldn't scare her. At least, I hoped I wouldn't scare her. I would never want to scare her. Luckily, I managed to find some useful information about her that didn't scare her, shock her, or upset her one bit. I hoped that it didn't anyways.

She wasn't too keen on having a mate at first, but I like to believe that it all changed when she met me and got used to the fact that I wouldn't stop chasing after her. I still won't stop chasing after her. No matter what. I wouldn't care if she was a mass murderer (by which I wouldn't be surprised about) or a drug addict- she would still be the best person in the world to me.

When we arrived back at the party with the crowds surrounding us, we remained in a small conversation. She happily and slightly reluctantly pointed out a few of her friends to me. I did the same back, and she seemed a little shocked when she saw that I pointed out Lexi. She went slightly pale, a little distant for a few minutes and spaced out as if she was remembering something. Some sort of memory that was possibly unwanted perhaps? A recollection? What the hell was it that she remembered?

But then that filth dared to interrupt our party. Ruining the time I was spending with my mate. Such a beautiful girl, my mate was.

Upon sight, I immediately tightened my grip on Ariel's slender waist. A low growl rumbled through my vibrating chest. Ariel noticed this, so she began to rub small circles on the hand gripping her waist. My knuckles turned white at how hard I was holding her, the anger coursing through my veins, rolling off of me in many waves.

If there's one thing you should never do:

It's that you should never piss off an Alpha.

One thing flashed through my mind, courtesy of Drew.

Kill him.


Rip his throat in two.



Tear his heart out of his chest with our claws.



Suddenly, I was knocked out of my deep trance of evil thoughts by sparks constricting me and an intoxicating scent of raspberries and chocolate strawberries enveloping me, the scent flooding my nostrils the way that water breaks from a dam and floods a nearby town. Everything around me slowed down, every sight around me blurred. Everything in me was focused on the scent and the sparks. The wonderful scent that made my claws retract and the sparks that pushed my wolf back into his corner of my mind and immediately calmed us down.

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