Wolfie's Guide To Supernatural Creatures

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Your Little Werewolf Glossary so you can understand the shit that you're going to read- if you still want to read it by the end of this.

(Unless you know your shit about Werewolves and everything then feel free to skip 😃)

Mate- Derived from the term soulmate, all supernatural creatures are bound to another soul: their only one. Designed by whatever God or Goddess there is (it depends on the Nylacaer's beliefs) to be your exact other half. You share a bond that is unbreakable when fully mated, but can easily be destroyed through rejection, death, or two other souls bonding together. This happens for life, and there is controversy between creatures that you can't choose who your mate is, which causes problems for mates.

Mate Bond- This is a sacred bond between two supernatural creatures or a human and a supernatural creature. Most will have only one bond in their lifetime, but sometimes some are lucky to have another mate. It is possible to be mated to twins, yet this is rare and unheard of.

Mark- This is proof of a mate bond, and is usually a bite mark embedded in the skin that turns into a sort of tattoo, and stays there until the mate has passed on or they die.

Mating- Uhhhh... The birds and the bees I guess?... Fine, a "ritual" that completes the mate bond.

Pack- A group (mainly named for wolves and a few other species) that live and hunt together. Depending on their species, some reside in certain parts of the world, some stay in the same place and make it their territory, and others move around.

Pack house- The house where pack meetings take place, and the most important pack members like the Alpha and Luna live here.

Territory- An area of land belonging to a certain pack. In order to claim this as theirs they must ask the Drakta (see below for more details) for permission to own the land.

Pack borders- Powerful shields made of several enchantments by witches hired by the Drakta. These protect the pack members but can be infiltrated at times.

Alpha- The wolf in charge of the whole pack, he makes most of the important decisions concerning the pack. He is born into the role as the true Alpha, with a powerful command that can be used for good things, but that some Alphas use to get their bad deeds completed.

Luna- The Alphas mate who is his equal and sometimes superior when concerning certain pack members. She is in charge of organising pack meetings and meetings with other Alphas and Lunas. Without the Luna, there is chaos for the Alpha and the pack. She is the one who really keeps the order in the pack.

Beta- The second in command who helps the Alpha control the pack and other matters. His female joins in with the Luna and does similar jobs to her.

Delta- The wolf in charge of the pack army and training. His or her mate does a similar thing, and is in control of any injuries but works as a second in command to the army.

Zeta (Zay-ta)- The wolf in charge of budget/financial things in the pack and organising hunts for food. His female works with those in the kitchens preparing the food and hunting in the group as the females are faster.

Celta (Kel-ta)- The wolf in charge of building and repairs. They are personally hired by the Alpha to construct safe rooms and tunnels in the event of a war or attack. They are trained that in case of capture they do not feel pain and they should refuse to give any secrets about the pack to anyone.

Rogue- A wolf that is not in a pack or doesn't belong in one. There is a Rogue King inviting rogues to join his "pack" so they can take over the world.

Rouges- Most groups of rogues are named rouges by several packs. This was after a common spelling mistake used by some members of the Drakta when referring to Rogue attacks, so some Alphas enjoy taking the piss out of it. So a "rouge attack" is when a group of rogues attack someone or a pack. They are also named rouges as they have red eyes when in their shifted form.

Drakta (Drock-ta)- The council of supernatural creatures.

Carnael (Car-nail)- The term used for hybrids.

Nylacaers (Ni-lake-ers)- Creatures of the dark, supernatural creatures, etc.

Saeteps (Say-tips)- Creatures that can shift into anything.

Taetan (Tay-etan)- Snow creatures that look like Yetis when in their true form, but are 7 feet tall in their human form. They do have potions which can allow them to be a normal human height however.

Dragota (Dray-goat-ar)- Dragon shifters. They are based on categorised powers which is easily to tell by the colour of their hide. Ice powers are bright blue almost white, water powers are a darker blue, fire is a red colour, green is for earth, wind is a brown colour and like other rare creatures, (it is black or purple hide for this species) they can be an Elemental and control elements.

Maelac (May-leck)- Humans with magical powers that vary from controlling elements, time travelling, burning everything you touch/controlling fire, beauty (Yes, that is an option)

Elementals- Shapeshifters with magical powers based on the elements. It is rare for there to be one Elemental who controls all elements or more than one.

Raefas (Ray-fes)- They're basically pixies and fairies.

Breicers (Bray-sirs)- Bird shifters.

Ottola (Otter-la)- Mermaids and mermen.

NOTE: Not all of these terms come up in the same book. They are sometimes mentioned by name, or they are here for reference so I don't spoil the book by saying which terms will be used. As terms are created with each different story, they may be updated every now and again.

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