Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

           Things had changed.

In such a small amount of time, things had started going wrong. Things had actually been getting worse and worse as the days dragged on. It was all going wrong. It wasn't like I wasn't used to having a shit life or anything, but when you're actually happy after years of misery, it's a massive difference when you become miserable again. Alone again.

I hadn't spoken to Jacob after our little fight and the date. It's been eight days since we last spoke and I keep trying to avoid him as much as I can. I just want to give him space since he looked really pissed off with me for not telling him the truth about my real lifestyle. I couldn't tell him, though. How was I supposed to tell my mate something as horrible and terrifying as that?

No mate or Alpha wants to hear that they failed at protecting their loved one. It's almost like hearing they died and it's all your fault. Mates have gone crazy with a need to protect their mate at all costs, including paying for a private inspector and top class guards for any point they go into town. It's a crime for any mate to lock up their mates, no matter what the reason is.

I think the weather had some part to play in all of this. April was known for its showers, hence the term "April showers," and today was no exception for those showers. I got soaked on my run to school,

But all of that would change soon...

I saw him later that day, on my way to a room change. I didn't expect him to be there, so it came as a shock to me when our eyes met for the first time in eighteen days. He gave me a look that showed several mixed emotions, some of it being anger at me for lying, others of concern. Others that signified worry, and one other emotion that I couldn't quite pick up what it was.

And still, I just walked away and decided to give him the space he needed. And I would not speak to him until he decided to come to me first...

That Night...

I was just finishing up some of my jobs up around the place, having all the cleaning done and only needing to the dishes and checking that the kitchen was spotless and everything we needed for tomorrow was out defrosting. Everything was almost ready, but all of these dishes would take me at least, over an hour or two to do. That means I won't get to bed until two in the morning,  and that's early as it is.

I didn't hear the back door open, but I definitely felt the hand that went around my mouth to muffle my screams. I was turned around quickly, sighing when I saw it was only Jacob.

A seemingly pissed off Jacob.


But he's so hot when he's mad. Accalia whimpered under his touch.

"Why did you lie to me?" He cupped my cheeks, his lips slightly grazing over mine.

"I can't tell you." I murmured, silently wishing that his lips would swoop down and claim mine.

But he didn't.

Instead, he just continued with his sweet torture, his lips never touched mine- they just grazed over them and visible parts of my skin. The sparks didn't stop igniting- they just increased tenfold. I hated being teased, I was always the teaser. I tried to lean in to receive more contact with him, hoping he would just kiss me. But he just pulled away more whenever I leaned in, teasing me even more.

What the hell was this wolf doing to me?

And then he suddenly stopped.

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