Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Alpha-to-be Jacob Prince.

A Few Years Ago...

"You wish to find your mate?"

She was a young woman with no soulmate, a witch that gave up her happiness in order to give other supernatural creatures a chance of the pure happiness a soulmate can cause, a seer with powers beyond others that had been written in history. She was the one you went to if you needed someone, she would find you someone.

Keiretsu Lingnan was known as The Immortal Seer or Witch. She could live forever, and was unable to be killed or tortured. Only she knew the secrets to killing someone as powerful as her. There was no way to inflict pain or misery upon her, as she was like a goddess of purity. Only those who knew her secrets could do so. She was invincible, making her an excellent asset to the Drakta- the name of the council of Supernatural Creatures.

She would be the one to tell me the information I desperately needed. The only one who would tell me where my eternal love was located.

"Yes?" I was extremely eager to find out this information. It meant the entire world to me. I needed her. Badly. Without her, I would be lost. Lost forever.

"She.... She's..." Oh no!

"What? What is it? Please don't say she's dead!" Worry consumed my thoughts.

My thoughts changed from hope to despair instantly. The thought that my love would be lost forever, and possibly murdered killed me and my wolf inside.

"No! She isn't dead!" Relief took over me. But she continued. "Alpha Jacob, I-"

"What? Then what is it?" I snapped, the anger of my wolf getting to me, he wished to desperately know the location of his soulmate, of this other half.

"Alpha, I think- no, I know this- you don't seem to have a mate on this earth that I can sense to this day. She is nonexistent to my powers. I can't locate her anywhere. I send my deepest apologies to you, and hope that you find a suitable female to lead your pack with in the future."

The words were like a bombshell to me. How was I, an Alpha at that, supposed to perform his duties without his mate by his side? It wasn't possible! I would be lonely, empty without her. Even if I didn't know her, I would always want her. She would save me from being lost. From being lonely forever. She would be the mother to our pups, the Luna of our pack.

"W-w-what?" My voice quavered, not believing what she said.

Yes, she was trustworthy. Many people from across the world came to her for advice, seeking guidance to find their mates. I knew fully well that she could help me, but she now meant nothing to me.

"Alpha Jacob Prince, as far as I know, you have no mate. She could be alive and mated or promised to someone else, or she could easily not be born yet. But either way, I cannot sense her and direct you to her."

The Present Day...

           Ever since that dreadful day, I've been searching. Searching for her. Any spare time that I have, I look for her. Even when I visit other packs for details on mergers and other things, I look for her at any point that I can. I try to catch a whiff of that breathtaking scent that will send me to my knees. But, alas, I've had no luck yet. I don't care what my pack thinks, I will soon have my mate by my side as our Luna and wonderful leader.

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