Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

I don't know how many hours it has been. I don't know how many days have passed. I don't know anything, really. For however long it has been since she arrived, I've been caring for Rebel. She's currently sound asleep, her steady breathing filling my ears, soothing me that she was fine. She looked so peaceful, so innocent, unknown to the danger that surrounded her.

I refused to let Freya touch her, let alone hurt her. No one touches my niece in a harmful way and gets away with it. She had already been taken from her parents, I believe that alone was far enough.

I hummed a random tune I came up with, hoping it kept her asleep. I put her down carefully on the makeshift bed, watching her sleep. I was like her Guardian Angel- and those do exist by the way- ensuring that she was safe and sound.

Suddenly, I felt something crawl on my skin. It went all over my body, then burst into flames all around me. I felt warm all of a sudden. I didn't know what it was- but I didn't want it to stop.

I craved the touch of somebody- anybody really. I would go to any limits- I just needed satisfaction. I needed to feel better from it. I need to have somebody (most preferably a guy) pounding into me-

What the-



Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!

I was in... Heat.

Fucking great. Fan-fucking-tastic. Just fucking peachy.

Now that I'm in heat, Freya's plan can finally take place tonight. Just as she wanted it to. Shit shit shit shit!

The Narrator.

Tonight was a grave night. The night of the full moon. The night where Freya's plans would be unleashed once and for all. Hopefully, she would be stopped. Hopefully, people could fight against her.

Or maybe not.

Freya gathered her ingredients around her, the full blue moon glowing above them, illuminating the darkness of her evil plans. She was ready. She was ready to finally get what she wanted for once. She would have everything her dear sister had. Well, before she died, of course. The tables would be turned, and there would be nothing her pathetic sister Annabelle could do about it. It would be too late. No one could stop her. The Moon Goddess was dead, and there's no other person that could win in a fight against the evil witch.

A wolf was waiting in the shadows, his fur dark, parts stained red, while the rest of it was a beautiful, midnight blue. He saw the perfect moment...

And pounced.

Already anticipating the attack, she stopped and sent a mind link to a different wolf, one the color of the desert sands with eyes the colour of blood, to attack this intruder. She could easily continue her spell whilst they fought out their problems or differences.

If she could not gain her plans and succeed in them this week, she would have to wait another year for an opportunity as great as this. She couldn't let anyone stop her now. Not now when she had come this close, this far to getting exactly what she wanted.

Jacob recognized the wolf and its unique features. He knew from the scent. The eyes were unrecognisable, but the aura surrounding


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