Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

     I still couldn't believe it.

Of course, how was I supposed to? It happened too quickly, it happened right in front of me and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I failed at it. I couldn't do anything. I stood there and watched it occur right before my eyes.

Jacob was dead, and it was all my fault.

I still can't believe it.

If it wasn't for me, he would be alive right now. If it wasn't for me, he would be with someone else, happy, leading his pack, and not in any danger because of me and my several problems. If it wasn't for me, he would have had a full life. He would have had a better chance at life than what I gave him.

All I ever gave him was weakness, cowardice, worthlessness, rejection, tears, and I just dumped all of my problems on him without even caring about what he wanted, about what he needed from me- I didn't care about what he felt about the situation. I was surprised he didn't reject me sooner rather than waiting for me to reject him.

And now, because of me, he was dead.

Why did I never do anything to save him? Why didn't I help him? Why didn't I do something to take away his pain? Why didn't I take him to the hospital so he could get medical help and actually have a chance at surviving? Why didn't I save him?

I will never know why. I'll spend the rest of my short, miserable life asking that question.

The pack doctors had taken his body shortly, being decent and covering his body up when he shifted back. I had kissed him gently, whispering an "I love you" as he was carted off to the morgue. They would check everything to make sure he really was gone, and if he was alive and in a coma, then I would request for him to stay on life support for as long as it took for him to wake up his sleeping heart.

And as for the rogue attack...

We won it. Some extra creatures and a legendary army came out of nowhere, and I helped to lead the pack towards our victory.

The remaining rebelling rogues are dead, as the others joined our pack. The rogue King has died. We are officially free from that monster forever now. Of course, the scars would remain, but we would remember it with the pride of joy that we won this battle.

It's all over now.

Rob was viciously attacked by the rogues and was seriously injured, but he was protected and is now on his way to surgery on a makeshift stretcher.

I've never seen so much blood in my entire life. I just don't know what to do right now.

I feel so... Lost.

Feeling a presence behind me, I turned around to see Ashley and Ella waiting.

We rushed to each other as fast as possible, engulfing ourselves in the warm, motherly embrace. Matt showed up eventually, the group being officially reunited, and then something totally unexpected happened.

Ella and Matt... Kissed.

Not like a friendly, innocent kiss, but a full-on, I-missed-you-and-really-love-you kiss. Sort of like how mates kiss.

We all stared at them in shock, and then they went on to explain.

"We're mates. We've been together for a little while. We found out at the Alpha's Ball. We didn't know how to tell you, we love each other so much. And... We're having a baby!" They seemed way too happy, and it was their over excitement that I despised.

What the fuck is going on here?

At least, that's good news for a terrible day. All I want right now, is to just be safe and sound for a little while.

I wonder what the future will bring...

Amethyst's mate was also injured in the fight, but I assume Amethyst healed him or something as most of his serious wounds had healed. She must have been there near him or something, but left before we could see her at any point.

I walked over to a cliff side overlooking the forest and the vast lands of the pack, noticing that a blonde haired beauty was sitting alone staring out at the view with steel grey eyes, deep in thought.

"Hey, Lexi. Are you okay?" I pointed out her tear-stricken face.

In a hiccuped voice, she explained everything to me.

"Rob... He's my mate. I can't be okay right now because I don't even know if he's going to make it. He doesn't even know I'm the one that he's been looking for, he doesn't know that I'm his actual, true mate.

"It's because I ran away from him when we first met. I regret running ever second of every day. I wish I hadn't ran. I regret many things in my life, but that is the one thing I regret most in my life.

"I wish I could be with him right now. I wish it were the two of us, happy together, holding each other in our arms and telling each other how we felt. I wish we could be whispering sweet things to each other, telling lame and racist jokes- just being together in a perfect moment alone is something I would treasure for the rest of my life.

"But I was afraid. I was afraid of him rejecting me. I figured he would if he knew my past. That's why I ran. I didn't want him to have to deal with my problems- I guess I didn't want to hurt him like I had been hurt in my past. I just wish I could be with him."

"Then go. Be with him," I told her with a smile.

"What?" She had turned to face me, a look of confusion gracing her face.

"I think it's time you got some happiness. And if being with your mate causes that, then go be with him. I know he wants you Lex, you just have to see it when you go and be with him." I put my arm around her, pushing her in the direction Rob had been taken in.

We laughed together, walking away into the beautiful dawn of a new day. And for a moment, I believed for just that moment...

That things could really turn out for the greater good.

And maybe, just maybe...

It could last a very long time...

The Narrator.

               But the thing is...

Nobody knows.

Nobody actually knows.

Nobody knows what happened next.

Maybe they're safe and sound. Maybe they're all dead. Maybe some of them are still alive.

But what do you think happened next?


Nobody knows where we might end up.
Nobody knows.
Nobody knows where we might wake up.
Nobody knows.
Oh, oh.
Suppose he'll never know.

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