Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

                                 When I heard the news that there was a party being held in the town, I was ecstatic. I thought it would be a brilliant chance for my sister Ariel to get out of the house, have fun for one night, and maybe find her mate if it was possible for her to have one out there waiting for her.

But, of course, she just had to have other plans. Stupid plans, might I add.

I've always hated our dreadful stepmother. Our stepfather wasn't that bad, he was actually quite nice when his mate and wife weren't around to mess with your head. She was the problem, not him. You could tell he would be an amazing father who would spoil you and treat you like a princess if his mate wasn't so fucking deranged. He was so supportive of me when I left the house. I was frightened when he found out where Mason and I were, I thought he was going to drag me back to the place unwillingly like she would have done, but instead, he offered me some help with the new house and wanted to put some money towards paying for it all.

I had declined him several times, but of course, him being an extremely stubborn man, he wouldn't stop asking and wouldn't leave until I accepted him. In the end, I did, and now he offers me care with the baby. He already found the perfect nanny and paid generously for the supplies we would soon desperately needing. I don't understand why he was so hell bent on aiding us, but I was extremely grateful for it.

There was only one more thing I would be needing of him:

And that's to persuade Ariel and give her permission to go to The Alpha's Ball. I know that she would never go in a million years if she was allowed, and everyone wants her to go. We want her to let loose, enjoy herself- and this way she'll most likely find her mate. I know she has a mate out there, I just don't understand why she doesn't feel a connection to him like all wolves are supposed to.

We hope she will, and we hope that she'll accept him and he won't reject her. All everyone wants for her, (well, everyone that cares about her, at least), is for to find happiness. All a werewolf needs in his or her life to find true happiness is their mate.

And that is all Ariel needs. She finds her mate: she gets out of that place like I did and lives a much better life. It happened to me, and I want the same for her. Her friends, most of her family- even people she doesn't even know about- want her to find some kind of happiness in her life.

But sometimes, happiness is short-lived. And in this case, Ariel's joy must be kept for a long time. She needs it. She desires it. Otherwise, she'll crumble without it.

And if that happens, I fear that there will be no way of saving her this time. We may have succeeded last time by a thread, but this time, I'm not so certain of it...


      Ariel is so freaking stupid.

If she thinks she can get away with not going to the party, she's very mistaken. We'll force her to go if we have to. We'll drag her out of that prison she calls home by her hair if we must. Obviously, we'll make her hair and everything else look perfect for her mate afterwards. We just want what is best for her, I promise.

Well, let me explain myself, my relation to Ariel and what type of person I think she is.

My name is Ella Sparkalar. I have blonde hair and light brown eyes that can sometimes be blue. On the occasion, my hair can also go golden, brown, or even ginger if the lighting's right. I am described as a kind, loving, gentle person who is also very intelligent. I am a sixteen-year-old werewolf, and I have yet to meet my mate. Although I am set to meet him at some point soon, I hope.

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