Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up Ariel! NOW! GET UP! I won't tell you again you wench!"

Internally I groaned, wishing that I could have five minutes extra. More like a few thousand hours extra than what I get. But my ever so quiet groan was apparently not as quiet as I thought and would have liked it to be- being heard by some of the people I hated the most.

My fabulous step-parents.

But this time, today it was actually the bitch herself- my old, dingy, and perfectly posh stepmother. That Bitch never stops annoying me, she always manages to piss me off in some way. One way or another, she does it. And she does it at least once a day too.

Sigh. I wonder when my life will turn out for the better. Well, anything is better than this shithole really. Anything at all. Even being homeless and living out in the woods.

Sorry, I'm being "rude" as my stepmother would put it. I haven't quite introduced myself yet, have I?

Well, I'm the most fabulous superstar you will ever meet, Donald Trump!

Did I fool you?

I fooled me. Lol 😂.

Sorry, I do that a lot. It's just a coping mechanism for me. You know, the crazy thoughts and all 😉. Gotta shut them up in some way!

Okay, I'm being serious now. My name is Ariel Black. I'm 16, and not related to Jacob Black from twilight in any sort of way. I couldn't be related to that hunk without having to commit incest and jump his bones... Did I say that out loud? Oops...

I do have siblings actually. Four of them, and they're all annoying in some way. Well, one of them is pregnant after all. Don't worry, she's not a teenager. Although she does act like it. But shh, you didn't hear that from me. And then I have my step-parents on top of that. Yuck. They're all the worst. 🤢😷

You may wonder how they are actually my step-parents. Well, my parents hadn't "found each other" in our sort of terminology, so they had a sort of bond made to these creatures so they wouldn't be hurt as much when they found their true mates- but my parents found each other a few months later. They wanted to keep it all a small secret for a few years- the reason why being unknown to me. It could have been anything, really.

Eventually, my kind sister Isabella was born (being just over two years older than me), then my dearest brother Isaac was just about eleven months older than me. After I was born, the two terrible twins Marie and Georgiana were born- the two actually being the failed products of my mother and stepfather somehow.

Yep. That's my parents' story. Or what I was told really. I don't know if it's true or not. It may be for all I know. It's just how I was brought into this world. Not exactly what you thought is it? Bet you thought I was some kind of posh kid who got everything handed down to her on a golden platter and I had a silver spoon stuck up my royal ass.

Well, you thought wrong.

You see, I was part of the class A-Team. Where everything in life was a struggle. I was born into it. God knows how everyone that was part of this class managed to stay alive, let alone get up every day and continue breathing. I don't know how they manage to do it. I still don't know how I do it. If I wanted something, I had to work hard for it. And even then I doubt I'd get it.

Anyways, my parents continued to court each other behind the step cruelty's backs- that was until the monsters found out.

When they discovered my parents were planning on eloping and taking the kids with them, they decided to take matters into their own hands. More like paws, really. And well, let's just say that it didn't end very well for them. My parents, that is.

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