Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

                 I was lying in bed, half-awake, half-asleep. The bed I was on was a comfy, yet slightly cold one from the lack of a certain body. I wished he was here, his arms wrapped around me tightly, his head buried in the crook of my neck, a peaceful baby look on his face as he slept.

I wish for that.

You see, the reason we can't have that at the moment is because of his family.

They said we weren't allowed to share a room yet due to neither of us being marked. They claimed that it would be dangerous as one wolf could lose control (most likely Drew as they hinted) and cause a lot of problems for our already damaged relationship. We even had a curfew on the time we were allowed to spend with each other!

But I couldn't really complain, it was great here. I even got to take on some of my Luna duties already! I believed I was making a small difference- more people than before were being kind to the Omegas as they understood their Luna had gone through treatment worse than that before she met her Alpha mate.

And his family were amazing people. His father was slightly worried about me at first as he didn't know whether or not to trust me- I was from another pack after all- and was afraid of his mate getting kidnapped again (yes, Jacob told me the story one day when he was afraid of me getting kidnapped again and he didn't know until the last minute) and once I convinced him that I wasn't evil, eventually he came around. But Jacob says they like me. So I'm okay with that.

They all appreciate me and who I am. They understand the situation with Freya and that any day now she could attack us. They (the pack included) are prepared to protect their future Alpha and Luna no matter what the cost may be. And it's a brilliant, exhilarating feeling.

When I was younger, I always told myself to not be afraid of Freya. But, occasionally, I was afraid. I was afraid without Jacob here to protect me. I was still scared of her hurting Jacob or doing much worse- killing him.

And even though, he's just down the hallway...

I really miss him. I feel lonely, cold, unhappy without him. And I feel a little weird. I don't know what's going on. Accalia doesn't understand either.

What the hell?

And then, this feeling took over. It was too powerful to control. I didn't want to control it. It felt... Amazing.

I needed Jacob. I wanted Jacob. I desired to have Jacob. I need him right now. In a rush, I jumped out of bed, throwing a pair of shorts and one of Jacob's shirts on. As I did so, I felt... tingles. Like mate sparks. And I couldn't help myself. I felt drawn to Jacob. I needed him to touch me. I needed him to take his dick and-

Woah! What the fuck was that? Why did I think that?

I know Accalia didn't either!

So why did I have that image?

I had no clue. I just ignored it.

Quietly, I tiptoed out of my room, walking down the hallway as not to make any noise and disrupt anybody. Once I was in front of his door, I knocked on. I could smell his amazing scent behind it, fresh- he was definitely in there.

The door opened in a haste, a small breeze blowing past as it did so.

"Ariel? What are you doing here?" He questioned me, his voice husky.

Wow. That's sexy. He should have that voice more often.

He looked so hot. His black hair was messy in a style that looked as if he'd just gotten out of bed. His jaw was unshaven, giving him this rugged, bad boy look. His blue eyes shined with sleep and exhaustion but still managed to look as gorgeous as ever. Damn.

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