Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

                  Have you ever been told you can't do something? Like, has someone told you that it's impossible for you to do something?

I've had it all my life.

Nearly everyone has told me what to do in my life, saying that I have to do this and that, to not do this and not do that or else something horrible would happen to me.

Where I come from, our beliefs are different. We have different opinions to what the wolves and other creatures believe. We grow up with different ideas, a different culture, a different, more secluded way of life- they call it The Life Of A Fox Shifter.

But some believe it to be incorrect. The Life Of A Fox Shifter should be entirely different- the current way is unfair and corrupt. They are what you call the rogues. But we have a different name for them. We call them Napranos. In our ancient language, that means crazy, insane, or rogue. They have a special symbol marked on their human back and displayed on their left shoulder on wolf form. It's how you know what they are. For our kind, the symbol is of a black fox eating a white wolf- a sign of the times where the two species separated from each other and a Great War took place.

It's how you know what they are.

It's how you know what I am.

The Napranos aren't all crazy like everyone believes, many of them are actually normal. You see, we just want to live as normal supernatural creatures do. That's why some of us foxes have created their own packs. But we continuously get attacked, meaning that our population is much smaller than it used to be. And our reproduction rates aren't exactly the fastest. It isn't the easiest to find your mate when you're a fox, it isn't like how the wolves have it.

But they say that there is a fox out there who can unite the fox clans and brings peace to all, but it will be difficult. There is a prophecy that says our kind will be saved by them. Or at least, it's somebody out there who can do that. I think I know who that person is, I'm not quite sure of it yet. I have to check and make more assumptions first before I find out.

There was one person before, but she died and left her mate alone. I need more information first before I make any moves.

Everything depends on it.

We all need her to survive this. The last one died before she knew of her destiny. The daughter of an Alpha, powerful, but also targeted. I had been assigned to watch Celine's movements, to ensure that no danger came to her. But her mate's ex-rogue pack caused her sudden demise. It was my fault that I didn't protect her. 

But her old mate has a second chance mate- and funnily enough, it's the one girl that we need. The entire future depends on her. But recently, things have started to develop. In a good way, actually. I've started to notice something about her. Her leadership qualities are excellent, they're unlike any other that I've ever seen. She'll be perfect to unite us all together.

It'll be another hundred years before we get someone like her again. Maybe even longer. We need her to survive. It is important that she survives. She is our saviour. She must live. She must.

I have a mission to complete. This is something that I have to do. I have no choice. If I don't do this, my entire future is ruined.

Our 'pack', Screnato Screvico, is assigned to find that person, then we send a fox to watch them. I am the fox who has been sent by the pack. I am known for many things that I have done, and I even have a slight reputation in the as a result of it. I'm still not sure if that's a good or bad thing, really. But I don't mind. As long as I can help our cause in some way. It is a dangerous mission. And the first ones who can save us have all been killed before we could get to them.

But not this one. Emilia will be saved. We will train her and she will be the one to unite us all. It has to be her. It has to be. She is the last one. The last saviour for our kind. Without her, we will perish. There is no way that we can last another hundred years. This is our chance. We can't mess this up.

Being a kitsune, life isn't as easy as you'd expect it to be. You'd expect that sometimes control doesn't come easy. Well, you're exactly right to say that. It's extremely difficult to control the urges a fox has. Combined with the basic human urges, it becomes so hard that you won't even begin to understand it. Many foxes let their animal side take full control, causing the Council to take no option but to kill them. They are a threat to the security of not just our own kind, but the rest of the world too. We risk letting some of the humans know what we are.

We have a way of finding control in our pack that always works for us. It is a mantra that we repeat often to calm our foxes: Sopranos. Tieto. Brethe. We use this on any of the newborn foxes. It always works for them. It helps them to gain control before any of their natural urges worsen.

In our pack, we have a certain way of doing things. For instance, this mission-

"Status report, control base here: Any news on Emilia? Over."

"Status report: 8912 Victoria Hale: No news to report. Over."

"Control base here: Good. Keep up the good work 8912 Vickie Hale. Over."

"8912 Vickie Hale: Thank you. Over."

That's what I meant by a certain way of doing things. We have to report every hour on this particular mission. It's a high-class assignment, and due to several connections I know, I have been instructed to complete it. It is my duty. It is my life's work.

And I must complete it. Or else I fear the worst may happen...

The Narrator.

But what will happen to them next?

How long will it be until things are okay again? Until things are fixed?

We won't know. Will things be really fixed?

Will Ariel be able to live without Jacob there to save her from the pain and heartbreak that comes from losing a mate?

Will we even find out this information?

Maybe it will happen over time.

Maybe their story will end shortly.

Two Years Later...

Well then...

I got a new phone! This is the first update I'm doing on it woohoooo!!!

Seriously tho, this is my child end of. I got a Samsung A40 (I used to have a smashed up iPhone SE) and I was in desperate need of a new one. As in, my home button fell off.

I'm also debating if Vickie should have her own short story or something. But I have no idea what exactly it would be about. I do have some ideas for other ones in the CS universe though. I'm excited for ya'll to see the rest of this series, but I will be working on other projects at the same time. I've set up an order of books that I'm publishing and I've done the first 10 😂

And I bought a new succulent so imma have a cult of indoor plants soon 🌱🌵 I think I have a problem 😅

Anyways, rant over. Hope ya'll had a great day and I'll see you Monday (providing I don't forget this time)!

- Wolfie xxx🐺🐺

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