Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

                  I woke up, panting, unknown to my surroundings. Where was I? The ground was dirty, the cobblestone was covered with rot and moss, vertical silver bars surrounding me. There was no way out. I was surrounded in darkness, with only a flickering lightbulb hanging from the ceiling being my only light.

I was in a cell. A cell. A freaking prison cell. A fucking ducking prison cell with strong silver bars blocking the way out.🦆🦆

Why the hell was I here?

Oh, wait.

It was because of Freya.

Because my wolf and I were going insane without Ariel, our mate (and yes, she was still technically my mate as I hadn't accepted the rejection from her) we went and tracked her down. And then Freya had knocked me out. And took me here, I suppose.

How was Isaac doing?

But suddenly, my wolf rose, noticing something amazing in the air. A sweet scent... Something so wonderful... Something so familiar... Raspberries and chocolate strawberries... My favorite.

Is Ariel here?

I looked around, trying to pinpoint where the intoxicating scent was coming from. It was very strong, also fresh, so it shouldn't be too hard to find it. But I couldn't find it. The darkness was consuming the other side of the cell. I couldn't see a thing.

So, I called out for her.

"Ari? Ari, are you there?"

Hopefully, she'll respond...

But she didn't. She didn't even utter a syllable. Nothing I wanted to hear.

Meaning that I was enveloped in silence.

Something was dripping down the walls, the noise becoming evident with every drop that fell. It was probably water, but the stench of blood in the cells made me believe otherwise.

Was it Ari's blood? Please, tell me not!

The walls were made of silver, meaning that not even my wolf senses could pick up any noise outside of the cells.

It was dark, only the smallest single ray of light shining. And that was what scared me. I couldn't see a thing.

"Ari? Please, little bird, my cookie thief, tell me that you're here?" I called again, hoping she would recognize it was me with the nicknames I used. The ones I used to call her and will continue to mention for the rest of our lives together.

Somebody answered. Their voice shaky, definitely female. It was her. It was Ari. It was my Ari. She was here. She was finally safe with me here.

"Ari? Is that really you?"

"J-J-Jacob? A-Are you r-r-r-really the-there?" Her voice was a stuttering whisper, but it was still her. Still my Ariel.

"I can't see anything, Ari? Where are you?"

"I-I-I don't k-know, Jacob. I-I c-can't see a-anythi-thing."

She's temporarily blind, Drew told me. Accalia can't see anything either.

But there was something else off about her...

It was like... Like she was scared of him, frightened of him hurting her or something.

I tried tapping into our shattered mate bond, but the weirdest thing yet was that I couldn't feel it at all.

It was like we were two normal wolves. Like we weren't mates, to even begin with.

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