Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

It was happening soon. Things were coming together. It would happen soon.  Everything would come to an end. But...

Do you know this story? Are you familiar with it? Do you remember it? Will it last forever? Will we know the end at last? Will this ending be like we expect?

Let me tell it to you.

Once upon a time...

We met a strong, beautiful and rebellious girl who was constantly mistreated by those who were meant to care for her and help her through her troubles. Instead, they let her grow and deal with the harshness of the big bad world alone. With the help of her friends and a witch, she was able to meet her soulmate. They danced and talked, but she was unable to stay, resulting in the loss of her mask and one of her shoes.

Eventually, he found her again. With some persuasion, they were able to be together. Many things threatened them and their relationship. One of those things being the owner of the household which this girl lived in, a witch who had evil intentions for the pair. They faced a rejection together, splitting them up temporarily, but there were the rumours of a war starting.

Soon, the war began.

And do they live happily ever after?


We'll never know.

The witch has Ariel, who is soon to go into heat. Her rejection means her heat has come sooner in a desperate attempt for her body to quickly find a mate. She has the full moon coming and a few other little things that she needs- precious stones and materials that just don't make much sense.

But there's something missing. Why on earth would she need a baby? And a newborn at that? It just doesn't make sense! What is she trying to accomplish? I have spent hours, days even, searching every spellbook in existence for the answers. Alas, I have had no such luck.

Maybe I will find it in this last book. I don't know what I should do if I don't find it here. The large brown book was calling out to me, it was begging to be read. The dust was a light grey, smothering the book like butter covers a piece of toast. The gold outline was worn out, battered and beaten wild years of use. It sat on my lap, the pages alive as I flicked through each page, trying to find what I was looking for.

And I soon got a hit.

When I read the ingredients, everything added up. It was an old spell. One that hadn't been heard of for years, one that hadn't been used for centuries. I read the summary of what it was used for...

I couldn't believe my eyes. It all made sense now. All of her plans were coming together to make this... This monstrosity.

And one thing flashed through my head: I must stop Freya. I must stop this plan of hers.


There was a sudden pain in my head, but it disappeared as quickly as it had come. I had many thoughts, one being that I had to get to the child before Freya did.

But it was too late.

She had got the child.

The Narrator.


One doctor and two nurses gathered around a bed. They were giving instructions to the one in the bed, with her mate beside her, coaxing her to continue pushing.

Today was a very special day.

It was the day that Isabella went into labour.

"Push!" The female doctor commanded.

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