Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

A Few Days Later...

    I was slowly going insane without her. I couldn't take it anymore. It was driving me insane. I had to know. I had to see her again. Just one last time and that would be it. No more after all of this. I knew that when I saw her it would be difficult since she now had a boyfriend and all, but it had to be done. I had to go and do it. I was so worried about her, I didn't know how she was. I didn't know if she was eating right, getting enough sleep, I didn't even know if she was hurting.

I felt so terrible. And I know it's all my fault.

God, if only I had more control! If I had more control then I would probably still have her with me! She wouldn't have felt like she needed to leave! She wouldn't have walked out! I would be able to hold her in my arms at night. I'm so stupid. And Drew agreed to that, even though he didn't seem very talkative recently. Three guesses why.

But it seems to be the season of misery recently. And I'm guessing that after this the next stop is therapy. Only because people were feeling down all around me, some relationships were stopping (not counting my own) too.

It was like this dry spell of love. Everything was crumbling. Yet, the big question was: What had caused it to happen?

Going to see Ariel was a bad idea. I was obviously not prepared to see her again after so long. You could immediately tell I was having a bad time without her. My appearance looked absolutely mortifying that morning. My eyes were sunken in slightly, the blue colour dull and lifeless, not shining like sapphires as Ariel said they were. She loved my eyes. She loved commenting on them, how the colours looked so beautiful. But they weren't beautiful anymore. They used to be, but they died the night our relationship ended.

Lately, I haven't been getting much sleep. It seems that if I try to close my eyes for a few seconds to get a few hours sleep, I just see her. I see every inch of her beautiful face and the curves of her figure hidden under the raggedy shirts she used to wear. I hear her melodic voice ringing in my ears, every word she ever said or whispered to me moulding together like an annoying song that I can't get out of my head. I don't think I'd ever want to get that amazingly annoying song out of my head and replaced by a song that wasn't as good.

My beard had become way too overgrown for my own good. There were smaller bristles of hair growing all around my chin, which was so unlike me. But I couldn't be bothered to shave right now, I had a mate to go and win back. Shaving would be for later.

I was quite thin since I couldn't eat much. I just felt sick every time I tried. It all reminded me of her. I missed her cooking. God, she makes the best cookies and brownies ever. I don't know what it is, but they're so amazing.

All of this combined meant I looked like a terrible shipwreck after a large storm. I guess my appearance reflects the way I feel on the inside then.

I had to go in. And so I did. But when I went in, I didn't expect her to be so... Sullen. Moody. Upset. Miserable. Her emotions were through the roof and she seemed angered by something. But also hurt. I could sense a lot of pain coming from her.

She saw me, taking in all of my appearance before her view switched to focus on something else. Following her direction of sight, I noticed what she seemed pained at.

Or should I say, who the pain she was feeling seemed to be caused by.

I heard the filth that those girls of my own pack- well, our own pack- were calling their future Luna. Rage consumed me whole, my brain thinking only of how nice their heads would look apart from their bodies and decorating the pack borders. Drew had finally woken up and was growling in my head, begging me to go and put them in their places by ripping them into pieces.

But Ariel.

I had to make sure if Ariel was alright yet. I had to check if my little bird if my cookie thief was okay. Ariel was the top priority over ripping those girls throats out. I had to say it multiple times to Drew. Ripping their heads off was for later, the wellbeing and feelings of my mate were for now and my number one top priority.

I looked around, hoping to find her somewhere in the corridor, heading to another classroom or going to a storeroom. But I had no luck. Until I caught a glimpse of her running out the nearest fire exit and immediately followed her. I ran as quick as I could, my blood pumping, wishing, praying, that I could catch up to her and stop her before she panicked and did something the two of us would regret.

The moment I stepped outside, though...

She was gone. She had disappeared. I had lost her again. Sadness overwhelmed me. So Drew and I howled. We howled in hopes that our mate could find us. Hoping that she would hear our plea. Hoping that she would accept our help. Hoping that she wouldn't give up on us just yet.

Yet, We had no such luck. Nothing has been lucky for us lately. Drew whimpered, longing to hear his mate's howl. Accalia would howl to us, wouldn't she? 

We had started to give up all hope of tracking our mate. Her scent had gone. She hadn't howled to us. She was too far away to see. She was gone. Ariel was gone.

Until our ears picked something up. Accalia howled back, notifying us of where they were going. Drew and I followed the sound, hoping we would get to Ariel in time before something drastic, horrible, and life-changing happened...

Or else, I fear that something much worse than what has occurred to her in the past will take place and ruin everything for everyone...






Stupid President.

I hate Trump for so many reasons man. This is a terrible terrible life :(

On another note, I'm officially a redhead now!

See ya on soon, maybe I'll see some of y'all on the front line of WW3 :)

- M.W *poof of yes the name is back*

Question: Have you heard of the game Neko Gatcha before?

My Answer: Yes! It's bae! Download it as it's free. If you love cats then it's perfect!! 😍

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