Chapter 1

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Hello everyone. This is Agent L/n. She will be joining the team. Anything you wanna know about her, its right there in the files that I have given you all. Any questions?" Fury raised his eyebrow.
"None? Good."

With that Fury left the room hastily, leaving you in an awkward situation with the Avengers.

"So.... Do you want a drink?" Tony Stark smirked.


"Well that went good." Clint said shrugging his shoulders as he sat on your bed. He was your only friend here in SHIELD besides Natasha of course. He was the one who had been assigned to train you. And through him you had known Natasha.

You were packing your stuff, inside your small room which SHIELD had provided. It was situated in the SHIELD headquarters itself, that lay somewhere north of New York.


You looked up to see a smiling Black Widow, resting on your door frame.


"Um... Yeah I guess." You gave a weak smile.

"Don't worry its gonna be OK"

"Yup. Once you get to know them, you'll love it trust me. Although there may be some pranks, dirty jokes, naked men running around the house, and trying to get you naked in turn." Clint grinned with a wink.

Nat glared at the archer.

"Well that makes me less nervous." You replied sarcastically.


Stark building was a colossal creation.
You looked up at the building, in awe as you got out from the car. Your neck ached in an attempt to see the top of the building, but you couldn't strain your eyes so much.

"Hey! Rapunzel, you are gonna be stuck in this tower, at the topmost floor, for like EVER," - Clint pointed his hand at the very top. - "with no family, boyfriend, or even animals to sing along, like the rest of us. Lucky if you get a Prince to save you. So chop! chop! Stop staring and start moving."

You rolled your eyes.
"Its not like its a prison, Hawker."

Clint stared at you for a moment before giving into say something.
"I don't even know what 'Hawker' means. And yes its not like a prison but almost the same. You know right, once we are in this team, there is no space for all anyone or anything besides 'saving the world'. Anything more than that is considered a weakness to our strength. We need to commit to this fully."

"The more you tell me about this, the more I think I made a wrong choice."

"Clint's right y/n." Natasha said sternly as she picked up one of your suitcases and swiftly made through the door of the Stark tower.


Natasha was walking towards the elevator with you and Clint following. Men on noticing her could not look away. She was an Avenger of course, but she was also a very hot lady, with all the parts right. She was clever not to worry about these men, it was a waste of time.

You wondered how none of the boys had fallen for her. You looked at Clint, he was not even flinching a bit. Maybe it was too much for them to think about it after all they were burdened with such a huge responsibility, which was now unto you too.

With these thoughts, you finally made your way into the elevator. It was a busy morning in Stark Tower, with many suited men bustling in and out of the building. The elevator was crowded with such men. It wasn't easy to get in. Clint had to bark up his name here and there to get many of your luggage inside. This had definitely earned him some annoyed looks.

"What were you doing slow coach? Gosh! And why is your luggage so heavy?!"

"Shut your mouth Clint. We're almost there. Be grateful that you didn't have to carry them up the stairs." Nat glared at him. The men who were annoyed at the archer, earlier, smirked in amusement.

As the elevator proceeded, the crowd slowly diminished, until only the three of you were left. It stopped at a certain floor which you thought was the destination but it wasn't. A computerized voice of a man came through the speakers of the elevator, which made you jump in fear.

"Hello. You have reached the private residence of Tony Stark. Please identify yourselves and state your purpose of visit."

Natasha voiced her reply in a similar computerized manner, but that was just her being serious.

"JARVIS. Natasha, Clint and y/n here. Code name Black Widow, Hawkeye and um...."- she looked at you but you just shrugged. - "y/n here. Purpose: Residence."

"Welcome back Miss Natasha. Directing the elevator to the main hall."

The elevator shot up and in a matter of seconds you had finally reached.

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