Chapter 21

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"No Steve your bike is a bad idea." You said crossing your arms, giving him a doubtful stare.

Thor who was standing behind you, approved with much excitement.

"The lady speaks the truth. I would not dare sit on that davidson of harley."

Steve gave him a glare, while you turned around to face the beaming God, clearly disapproving his comment.

"Um... I mean why dont we take this thing called taxi?" He tried to hold his smile nervously.

You nodded your head in agreement.

Steve waved his hands from the sidewalk. An empty taxi passed by ignoring the blonde. Thor could not hide his smile. However he had to supress his laugh remembering that he was not supposed to mock or insult anyone today.

He walked upto Steve and tapped the Captain's shoulder from the back.

Cap turned around and raised his brow in uncertainity, but stepped back neverthless in amusement, to see just how well the Thunder God would handle New York's traffic.


He had only shouted out these words when another ignorant taxi passed by, leaving Thor stupified.

Capsicle snorted but stopped himself from reacting any further.

"I dont know how you guys even got in Avengers." You commented, slowly pacing from behind, your hands folded. The boys raised their brows in amusement.

You walked until your foot reached the edge of the path, then placing the first two fingers of both of your hands, below your folded tongue, you made a very shrill and a loud whistling sound. Suddenly from nowhere almost a half a dozen of taxis lined up in front of you.

Both Steve and Thor were astonished at this miraculous appearance of vehicles. They were dumbstruck.

"" The soldier tried to speak.

"Its a trick." You flirtily winked at the boys.

Thor broke his startled expression into an impressed smiled. He walked past you and opened the door of the cab, chivalrously gesturing you to get inside.

"Thankyou." You beamed, moving inside to take your seat.

As you did so Thor glanced at Steve with joyous victory in his eyes, which made the other slightly annoyed.

Realising he missed a chance, Steve hurriedly got to the other side of the taxi, making sure he'd be sitting beside you too.

And there you were, sitting inbetween the two muscular giants, buried halfway in the soft cushion of the taxi's seat.

It was Steve who spoke up first.

"To the fair."

"Fair ? What is that? Is that a resturant ? Because the from what Tony told me, I dont think that thats a, what do you call it ? A five star resturant !" Thor exclaimed.

You laughed lightly.

"No silly, its a place where people have fun, go on rides, eat cotton candy, enjoy the ferris wheel." You stopped halfway through your sentence seeing Thor's blank expression.

"You'll see it for yourself. Right Steve?"

Steve who was looking out of the window and grinning, replied, as he turned to face the two of you.

"Yup." His smile broadened even more when he said that aloud.

Finally the three of you reached the fair, and Thor was more than excited. He looked like a kid who had been there for the first time. Well it was actually his first time. He was so enthusiastic about the whole thing, that he wanted to try each and every thing, on every store.

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