Chapter 19

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"I don't know Tasha, this seems a a bit too much." Steve gave Black Widow a troubled look.

"Then forget about y/n." Nat began folding the pair of pants and the muscle tee.

"You will be surprised at what Thor is doing now."

Steve doubtfully eyed at her and bit his lips which made Nat take a deep sigh and lean forward towards his handsome face. She then mechanically whispered into his ear like she was reporting developments of a mission.

Bruce who was leaning on the wall of the Capsicle's quater tapped his feet impatiently.

When the agent was done, Steve at once expressed deep concern.

"What?!" He got up from his bed on which he had been sitting and paced up and down the room.

"Is this the only way ?" Steve stopped and looked inquiringly at the couple.

Bruce shrugged his shoulders and said, "It seems so."

"He is using your tactics. I bet those two idiots told him to do so. Anyway you need to be something more. It is the only way." Nat snapped at once.

"But... But... How can I be something that I'm not ?" Steve had a pained expression on his face. He clearly didnt want to decieve anyone, and the least you.

"Look you're not being someone else. You're just trying to develop your personality. Discover yourself more. Think of it as that way. And if that big baboon can do it, then so can you."

Bruce interrupted Nat's words.
"You know I don't mean to say this but he is a prince, so he I am sure he didnt have much of character displacement."

Nat shot a peircing glance at her beau and said.
"Thor can't sit a second without boasting about himself or even more so, breaking something in vicinity."

Steve looked at poor Bruce and thought that even a man like him seemed so much less ferocious in front of the woman he loved. He then pondered what would become of himself, when he would actually commit to being with y/n for the rest of his life.

The thought gave him shivers, yet he smiled after, knowing that that was all he wanted.

"Fine, I'll do it."


"Heavens, I never knew I would look so dashing in these Midgardian clothes."
Thor stood in front of the mirror, twisting and turning his legs, clearly impressed with his black formal suit.

Tony rollled his eyes before walking towards the Norse God.

"This guy." Clint hissed bitterly.

Tony kept his hands on Thor's shoulders and turned him around. Trying to sound as less angry as possible, he said, "What did we tell you Thor? You are not to praise yourself. You are to be modest and humble. If anyone is to be complimented or praised then that person is to be y/n solely."

"Yes. I have kept that in mind, my brothers. But I must thankyou for this perfectly tailored suit. I am sure she will be impressed at once." He bellowed loudly as possible before slapping Tony's back, which made the millionaire flinch with pain.

However Thor's laughter slowly faded away and silence engulfed the room. His face softened and one could see the grief on his face.

"She must like him very much, thats why I have to impersonate him to impress her."

Clint who was annoyed till now, was suddenly touched by his comrade's words.

"Hey man now cmon, it isnt like that." The archer was at loss of words.

It was Tony who saved the day.

"Thor, if she wouldnt like you she wouldnt go out with you. I'm sure she likes your company very much. That's why she agreed for today's date. Forget about what we said. Do what your heart tells you to do. Have fun and most importanly make her fall in love woth you." He smiled warmly at Thor and patted his back lightly in encouragement.


You were waiting nervously in your room, fitted in a lacely black dress, which wrapped tightly around your bosom, giving it an appearance of being a little bigger than usual. The material then slid down perfectly till your waist from where it started to flow freely in all directions, till a little below the knee.

There was a slight knock on the door, which made you jump with surprise. You quickly put on your nude pumps and snatched a small black purse which was lying on the bed.

You took a deep breath before opening the door and then you finally turned the knob to see a handsome face standing right in front of you.

You didn't know if he was the right one but you didnt care because for this one night you wanted to throw aside all your conscience and worries to have a good time.

Time, but more importantly your heart would tell you if he was to be your soulmate but the butterflies in your stomach had alreadly started fluttering.

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