Chapter 4

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It was past midnight. The weather wasn't good. It had been raining heavily, accompanied by thunder and lightning. You pulled your pillow to your ears, but it was in vain. The thunder was that loud. It was scary too. The lightning would pierce its dazzling light through your window and cast eerie shadows that would startle you with extreme fear.

You concentrated hard on falling asleep but alas you were kept awake by all the thundering and the lightning, and all the terrifying thoughts of the supernatural.

You were lost in your thoughts when suddenly you heard a loud thud. You let out a small yelp in fear.

You sat up on your bed, desperately trying to convince yourself that the sound was a figment of your imagination. But alas, the thud was heard again.

Mustering up all your courage you got up from bed and quietly opened your bedroom door. You would've woken up the others, but you convinced yourself to trust your powers.

Tip toeing, you made your way down to the hall, cautious and vigilant.

You passed the kitchen and reached the hall. You looked around to see anything suspicious. It was almost impossible as the room was pitch dark.

You lightly tread to check the passage that led to the hallway of the gym and the training room when you heard someone walking behind you. You immediately turned around, at the same time lightning struck and you saw a silhouette of a man. A chill ran down your spine.


The man came running towards you. You ran with all your strength, throwing whatever you got hold of on your way. But the ghost (yup that's what you thought it was) was fast.

The two of you began circling the couch. You threw the table lamp and then the table. Finally you hurled all the books from the book shelf. Books rained on him, until the entity was  buried in its mountain.

You put your hands on your chest and took a sigh of relief. Then you slowly bent forward to make sure that the thing wasn't alive. But it was obvious, wasn't it? How could a pile of books kill such a strong intruder ?

The man jumped out with a roar, caught you with his muscular arms, and pinned you to the ground. He sat on your stomach while tightly grasping both of your wrist, clasped together, pinned to the floor directly above your head. You struggled to get away, but his body was too heavy.

You shouted in anger and fear.

"Let go of me you monster! Let go!"

You tried to use your power, but your hands were tied and plus you couldn't see a single thing, to throw at him.

The man stooped forward to you, his face inches away from yours. You stopped shouting, you didn't know why, perhaps it was because of his hot breath on your face or his hair strands tickling your cheeks.

Something about him was not dangerous. You stared at the face above trying to sculpture it.

It was then that another lightning struck.
The man you saw, who was only an inch away from you, was none other than Thor himself, the God of thunder.

In he mean time, Thor could not keep his eyes away. He was awed at first but began smiling afterwards.

"You are beautiful, yet fierce my lady. I like that in a women. The perfect queen." The voice that came out was, heavy, yet soft. It was like the purring of a cat, sensuous yet distant. Somehow it made your heart beat faster, and cause your stomach to feel ticklish.

Suddenly Thor placed his lips on yours. It wasn't a forceful kiss, but a soft and a light one. You were so shocked by then that you were completely unable to move.

Just then the lights came alive, and the whole area was lit up.

It was Tony. He was near the switch, rubbing his eyes, still half asleep. But behold! The sight that he saw made his eyes widen with disbelief and his sleepiness vanished in no time.

Thor stopped kissing you, and turned his head to greet Tony.

"Greetings brother Anthony. Did I disturb you? I must apologize for causing you nuisance."

He slowly sat up, letting go of his grip on your hand.

You were still paralyzed by the act, but when it came to you that Thor had let go, you spared no time in lifting your hand with full force and slapping the hell outta him.

Now this time it was Thor's turn to get shocked.

You quickly slipped away from under his weight, and stood up hastily. The whole thing was still making you tremble. It was fear, anger, nervousness, all into one.

"How dare you kiss me without my permission? That was the most filthy, monstrous an barbarian thing to do to a girl. First scare her to death. Then kiss her?"

Thor slowly came to his senses, and a light grin was placed on his lips. He boast proudly as he stood up.

"You do not realize my lady, I am Thor, Prince of Asgard! God of"-

"I don't care if you are a prince or a god. Because to me you are no less than a filthy pig! YOU PERVERT!"

With this you stormed away from the room leaving behind a shocked Tony, and an even more shocked Thor.

After a moment of silence, Thor smirked and said, "I like her."

"Unbelievable !" Tony cried out, lifting his hands up in the air.

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