Chapter 2

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You stepped outside the elevator and saw a large room in front of you. On the right side were large squared glasses,through which one could see the beautiful city and the sea beyond. There were two balconies. The farther one opened up to a swimming pool and the nearer one led way to a circular stage.

Four fifth of the room was elevated with just two or three steps, so the living area and the elevator fell on the smaller and lower portion. The walls of the lower area were all glass and as mentioned before consisted of the two balconies.

The elevated area consisted of the kitchen and a bar. Further away there were three passages. One broad, straight ahead and two slightly narrow, perpendicular to the broad one on either sides.

Once inside, Clint quickly ran for the toilet, leaving your luggage to you.

"Don't worry I'll help you." Nat smiled at you.

You were only half relived when JARVIS informed Nat that Bruce was in urgent need of her. You could see a tinge of redness in her cheeks or it could be your imagination, but she immediately left you alone, promising to come back soon to help you up.

You just stood there waiting, but then you finally gave up, and using all your strength and might you began to lift all your suitcases and bags, by levitating them in the air. It wouldn't be heavy on a normal day, or during a mission because of the rush of adrenaline but now you were tired and sleepy. You thought that perhaps it was due to the fact that you hadn't slept the night before because of this new change, which was then to befall you, but had now, judging by your disposition.

"Oh God. I might as well carry one at time." You let go of the bags and sulked as you bent down your body to rest the palm of your hands on your knees.

"Do you need help ma'am?" A strong voice emerged from above you. You looked up and saw the blue eyed blonde, Captain America.
You immediately stood straight and smiled.

"Ma'am are you alright? You seem to be worn out." He looked at you with concern.

"Umm... Its okay, its just the journey. Thank you for offering me help anyway." You nervously tucked a hair strand behind your ear.

Steve smile and it made your heart do little flips, but you managed not to show it outside and remained calm.

Strange, you thought. You had never felt this way before. You looked at the man beside you, who was now picking up your bags. He was wearing a skin tight T-shirt, which had patches of sweat. His body was so big, and masculine. Of course, it was natural to feel that way.This was the first time you had met someone so handsome and hot!

"Ma'am ? Shall we?"

His voice made you break away from your chain of thoughts.

"Oh I'm sorry, I just... Never mind. Let's go."

He took you through the kitchen and then the right narrow passage, up the stairs towards the quarters.

While you were climbing up the stairs, Steve was breathing heavily and grunting at times.

"Ugh... Mr Rogers. Are you okay?"

Steve was carrying two of your most heavy bags. One on his shoulder and the other curled up in his hand, beside his chest.

"Oh no mam, I'm fine just a bit out of breath after the workout."

You were carrying only a small suitcase and a backpack behind.

"Oh no. No. I cannot allow that. Here give me the other bag." You began to the pull luggage from his hand.

"Its ok ma'am. I will manage."

"I don't want to bur- aaah!"

Your hands slipped away from the leathery material of the bag you were pulling, and you got yourself out of balanced, making a fall.

You closed your eyes in fear, waiting for the cold concrete floor to hit your back. But a strong pair of arms wrapped around your body.


You slowly opened your eyes and found yourself on top of Steve, who was grabbing you so close that you could hear his heart beat. It was fast.

When your eyes finally met his, he was already staring at you. A slight blush rose on your cheeks, but you could not tear away from his blue eyes. He was looking at you intently, expressing awe, bewilderment, fear, protectiveness and so much more, you could not fathom the enormity of it.

A considerable time must have passed cause Tony had been resting on the wall, just some feet away from you two, with his hands crossed waiting for this to get over. However when you both failed to realize his presence, he cleared his throat out very loud.

"Ahem, if you both, have finished, ahem... Ahem... Staring into each other's eyes ... Ahem... We could actually do something productive."

You quickly got up, so did Steve. With your hands clasped together in front of you, you looked like a student who had done something wrong and was expecting to get scolded. Tony chuckled. Steve on the other hand began rubbing the back of his neck.

"Y/n right?" Tony finally broke the awkward silence.

"Yes Mr. Stark that is me." You just stared down at the floor not attempting to meet his gaze after the embarrassing encounter.

He laughed lightly, "Don't be formal y/n. Call me Tony."

His calm demeanor made you look up at him, smiling a bit.

"Capsicle I'll take it from here. And God! You're sweaty. Go get a shower."

Steve stopped rubbing his neck and stared coldly at Tony, who just shrugged. Before making his leave, Steve quietly apologized to you, without the two of you making eye contact.

"Sorry ma'am for the inconvenience. Tony will help you from here. I apologize if I have caused you in comfort in anyway."

"Oh no Mr Rogers, I should be the one to apologize you. Please forgive me. And thank you for your help."

Steve quickly made his way up the stairs and disappeared. He looked a little flustered.

"Well I have never seen Cap so nervous. Hmmm... Wonder how it got him"

He looked at you from the corner of his eyes in a manner of scrutiny. When your eyes met his, he quickly looked away and began shouting.

"JARVIS! send in the robots to carry Miss y/n's bag."

Then Tony offered you his arm with a warm smile.

"Shall we Miss y/n?"

You didn't want to insult the man, so you crossed your arm around his and made way to your new room.

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