Chapter 14

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"Steve I never thought you were so..... Um...."

"What ?" Steve tried to look offended but his smile gave away.

"I mean, before I met you, I thought you were stiff and conserved."

You two were walking on the street, towards Central Park. After the meal, you two had decided to go for a short walk.

Steve had both his hands inside his jeans pocket. He turned his head to you as he replied, "Well you were wrong. You see I used to do stage shows before all this."

"Aahhh... I remember. The guys were telling me something about it. What was the song like? Hmmm... "

Steve stopped walking and gave you a cute stare, "Really? Really y/n ?"

You burst out in laughter unable to suppress it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Steve."

He began rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment, as he joined you again.

"It's okay."

"So why aren't you like this all the time? It seems much more fun."

"I don't know, I don't feel comfortable I guess ?"

"Well tonight you were comfortable, very comfortable." You widened your eyes as  you stared downwards.

"You make me feel comfortable."

This time, it was you who stopped and stared at Steve. You smiled biting your lower lip. This guy knew how to melt your heart like butter.

Finally you two reached the park, and sat on one of the benches.

"Where did you learn to dance like that by the way?"

"Actually we had this little concert in my junior high, where a group of us had to perform this dance. It was a long time ago."

"Certainly not longer than mine."

"Stop it you!" You slightly poked Steve's arm.

A moment of silence arose, but you two were completely comfortable with each other even without any words.

Both of you were staring ahead, each of you having your own thoughts.

"You know Steve, it feels good to have a family, people who care about you." You spoke up first, continuing to look somewhere far.

Steve however turned to you and asked, "Why do you say so?"

"Well I never had a real family, my parents died when I was very young and since then I was living with various foster parents before I finally decided to run away. That's when I met Clint and Nat. They seemed to treat me so well, they weren't afraid of me, they took care of me."

Images of Clint and Nat flashes into your mind. Their smiling faces, the way they trained you, Clint taking you out for some ice cream when you did well, Nat treating you like you were her small sister.

"And then there's Tony, and Bruce and .... Thor"

You let out that last name very slowly, as his memories flashed through your head, but then you realised the horror and swiftly turned to face Steve, who had a very hurt look in his face. You could almost hear the crack of your heart.

"You......" You whispered as you lightly kept your hand over his and smiled kindly.

Steve, on the other hand, had a different thought in his mind. Before it was too late, he needed to do this. He bent forward to you and placed his lips on yours.

You did notice him moving forward, but you did not move a bit. Your cheeks were burning and turning red as he neared you. However there was a feeling in you that convinced you that this was right. Then as he kissed you, you closed your eyes, lost in the sweetness of his lips.

Steve slowly came close to you and wrapped his hands around your body. You hugged him back too.

The kiss lasted for sometime and would have continued on, had you not broken off suddenly.

"I'm sorry, I need sometime."

Steve did not retaliate nor ask you any questions. He planted a light peck on your cheeks as he whispered, "ok" into your ears.

He rose up after and offered you a hand, which you accepted. The two of you then walked back to the place where Steve had parked his bike, hand in hand, not speaking a word.


It was very late by the time you two had reached the apartment.

"Umm... Thanks I had fun." You nervously told Steve.

"Me too."

He was about to kiss you again when Thor's thundering voice came booming from the kitchen.

"Oh hello there brother Steve, lady y/n ! Did I disturb the two of you ?"

He took out a jar of milk from the fridge and began drinking not looking away from you two even for a second.

Steve who was glaring at the grinning Thor, looked at you and his eyes softened.

You immediately spoke out before anything destructive would further take place.

"Goodnight Steve. Goodnight Thor"

You ran towards your room without looking back. Then an angered Steve followed you. Thor was the last one to join.

"You saved me today, oh mighty thirst!" He raised his jar of milk up in the air, with a beaming smile stuck to his face.

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