Chapter 20

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"Shall we ?" His voice boomed across the hallway. Thor was looking absolutely dead gorgeous in his pitch black suit. His hair was pulled up into a small bun, leaving some strands below, that were strewn beautifully across his back and shoulders. His crisp white shirt was unbuttoned enough to let a sneak peek of his broad muscular chest.

For a moment there you stood staring at  the man in front of you.

"Y/n ? Y/n ? Are you okay ?"

His dreamy voice slowly pierced you into reality and you blushed suddenly realising the situation.

Thor smiled flirtily, clearly impressed with himself.

"Shall we?"

You slid your hands around his arms.

The two of you climbed down the stairs, laughing and smiling, so engrossed in each others presence that it was impossible for anyone in the hall to not notice you two, radiating so much of happiness and excitement.

Tony gasped, not letting his thought leave his mouth, 'Wow they look so beautiful together.'

Natasha and Bruce who were in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the rest of the housemates could not help but smile at the sight of the couple. (although they belonged to Cap's team)

Clint threw his fist in the air unnoticeably, 'This is a good start for our guy.'

There at the end of the stairs, was however a broken hearted Captain America. With Thor beside you,he was very upset. It was supposed to be his night with you today, but you had clearly chosen otherwise.

Yet when he glanced over to you,he could not keep his eyes away. 

And then your eyes met his.

Steve was clad in tight fitting black pants. His abs were protuding out from his skin tight tshirt, over which he had worn a leather jacket. He was standing on a pair of very expensive white sneakers, and on his golden hair perched a grey beanie.

What caught your eye the most however, was his right ear which was pierced with a diamond stud.

My God, he did look so stunning and handsome and almost ten years younger!

Steve curled his lips slowly, knowing the impact he had made on you. He thanked the lords (inside his head ofcourse) for letting him make the right choice and also for bringing Nat and Bruce over to his side. Without them he wouldnt have enjoyed this moment.

Still smiling away, he lifted his brows and shurgged his shoulders, as if telling you that he was helpless to the new tactic that his team mates had just achieved. You laughed lightly at the gesture.

Thats when Thor got so angry that he purposely cleared his throat loud enough for the whole house to hear.

Feeling embarrassed you lowered your head and pushed back a strand of hair behind your ears.  

"I do not understand my lady, is he joining us ?" Thor tried to sound as calm as possible.

"Yes Thor, he will be joining us." You sounded confident.

Steve's expression changed. He was confused now.

"Weren't we supposed to go on a date?" He asked. 

Not trying to alarm the two, you said as softly as possible. The confidence you had previously was washing away.

"Well... Ummm... all the three of us are going out together."

"WHAT?!" Both the guys cried in unison.

"Did you know about this?" Steve turned towards Nat and asked her, clearly sounding annoyed.

She just shrugged her shoulders and gave a playful smile.

Thor then glared at his two wing men, who tried to look else where so as to avoid his angry, interrogative look.

"Dont worry guys, it will be fun, i promise." You caught Thor's arm and looked at both men, imploring them.

Thor turned his head to you and gave a helpless smile, "If you wish ma'am"

You smiled back at him happily, yet a little taken aback by the choice of his words.

"Well if thats what you want sugar princess, I'm okay with it." Steve blurted out soon after, which gave you even a bigger shock, but you laughed it away.

"I dont know what you guys are upto but i guess tonight's gonna be interesting." You flew down the steps running towards the elevator.

Thor and Steve shot a glare at each other, then without waiting any further traced your steps as fast as possible, trying to be the one close to you.


"I dont know what is she trying to do?" Tony furrowed his brow, contemplating at what had just happened.

"You knew it didnt you?" Bruce asked him calmly.

Clint was the one to answer as Tony was busy pondering.

"Well we did. Nat told us ofcourse, who was inturn informed by the heroine herself. But we still dont know why she wanted it to be this way? Weird."

Nat, slowly chewing the pocorn inside her mouth, not even batting her eye away from the TV screen, answered in a low, calculative voice.

"She doesnt want to confront her feelings for both of them, she doesnt want to break either one's heart, yet she chose to date them on the same day at the same time, together! She is unpredictable and eccentric. Yup. Thats it. She's crazy."

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