Chapter 18

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"You ready ?" Clint exclaimed.

"Asgardian, our fate is in your hands." Tony followed.

Thor shot up a confused look. He was sitting on the couch, where the two had now joined.

"What do you speak of brothers? I do not seem to understand."

Tony rolled his eyes, as Clint groaned in irritation, before speaking out to the Thunder God again.

"Just get the girl."

"You speak of her as a property, certainly you do not understand the situation then." Thor eyed at the archer with raging looks.

"Look, we're sorry. All Barton is saying is that, we are with you on this. We are rooting for you and y/n."

"Well that seems certainly nice, but I feel you two have ulterior motives." Thor was still not convinced.

Clint at once tried to make him think otherwise.

"No, no,no. It's just that we believe that she should be with a man like you,a God."

And since, a goof ball that he was, so gullible, he was consumed with pride and convinced in no time.

"You certainly make a valid point my archer brother."


"The last time I had two sidekicks by my side, it wasn't so great." Steve wiped his sweaty brow, with a towel that was hung around his neck. He had just finished off the 50th punching bag, in the training room.

"Look, we will tell you to do nothing. You can work your own way. We are just helping y/n to realise that you are the one for her." Nat showed off her best puppy face expression.

Steve, stared at the pair, with dubious looks, his hands resting on his hips.

"What's in it for you two?"

"Well I'm not involved, just assisting black widow here, who seems to be living up to her name just right."

Bruce nervously spoke out, while smiling at Natasha, remembering how she had gotten him to do this. The green guy would've shuddered too if he were present then. But that's a different story, anyway.

Nat viscously smiled at the poor man. Steve could only bite his lips in amusement.

Nat finally met Steve's gaze and replied in a mechanical tone.

"It's simple. If y/n ends up making you her choice, we just sit back and relax for a month."

"What do you mean?"

"Tony and Clint have to do our chores for us. Everything. Basically slavery."

"Natasha, why do you all think it's a game?" Steve closed up on her slightly offended.

"That's where you're wrong Steve, it's not a game, it's WAR."

A/n : sorry for the short chapter!!! But there's gonna be too much soon. ;)

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