Chapter 9

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"Anything on y/n ?" Steve glanced at Bruce nervously. One could clearly see the worry on his face.

Bruce sighed.

"I'm sorry Steve. Nothing yet."

"I'm sure there must be something. Has Fury given any new info?"

Bruce shook his head.

Steve gave a nod of gratitude to Bruce and left the lab.

He went to his room, thinking only about you. The last time he had seen you, was four days ago, before he had left for his own mission. After he had come back, there was no sign of you. Tony was the one to inform him about your mission.

"With Thor?"

Tony raised his eyebrow.

"Why? Is there a problem?"

Steve looked uncomfortable.

"None till now...."

Steve was very well aware of Thor's fondness towards you.

"Don't worry Cap, she will be fine."

Tony patted his back and left for the lab.

Now Steve was in his room, dead worried about you, panicking over what might have happened to you. The day he had left, you hadn't even looked at him.

Steve clutched his bedsheets. It was the stupidest thing he had done. Listening to Tony and Clint. He shouldn't have listened to them. He wanted to apologize you that day but he didn't. And now when he wanted to talk to you and make things up, you were gone.


Five days ago

"You know Steve, Thor's a better suitor for y/n."

Steve silent glared at Tony.

"I'm just saying." Tony shrugged his shoulders, with a glass of scotch in his hands.

"Oh c'mon Tony." Bruce said in a defensive tone.

That's when Clint barged in.

"Tin man is right guys. Thor is the prince of Asgard. He has tons of gold! He is super rich! And my boy here can't even afford a place in Brooklyn."

"Shut up birdie! But you have a point. Steve if you really want to gain her attention.."-

"I want her to like me" Steve muttered.

"OK whatever, its the same thing. Anyway I was saying if you want her, you do as I say."

"Steve, don't even think about it." Bruce said with a hint of warning in his tone.

"Its up to you Cap, you either want her or want to see her fly away to Asgard with the Thunder God."

Steve thought hard. Tony always smelt of trouble, but he was right too.

"Give it a chance Steve, what have you to lose? The worst that can happen is ending up in friend zone." Clint encouraged Steve. Well sorta.

"What is friend"-

"You in or not?" Tony asked sternly, ignoring Steve's question.

Steve reluctantly nodded his head.

Bruce got up from his chair and walked towards the lab, waving his hands.

"I am not going to get involved in this. Best of luck Steve, you will need it a lot."

Steve gulped.

"Oh! Forget the old man. He doesn't know anything." Tony chuckled.


"So Steve what are the things that gets a girls attention at once ?" Tony asked with some kind of electronic stick on his hand. He was walking up and down beside his digital blackboard. He was in full on 'teacher' mode.

"Um.. Good manners ?" Steve answered with uncertainty.

"Yeah.... Umm...."

Clint was raising his hand with much excitement.

"Yes Barton."

Clint grinned as he answered.

"A smouldering face and a sexy body."

"Very good! See Steve, girls die for a handsome face and that six pack abs. Since you have both we don't need to concentrate on that."

Steve smiled with pride.

"But we need to work on your personality."

"What's wrong with my personality ?" An offended Steve asked.

"Nothing, its just boring. Girls love a bad boy. Look a me!" Tony smirked.

"And me" Clint demanded.

Tony and Steve stared at Clint with loss of words.

"Well anyway there are three mantras to get her all gaga over you. One : Give less attention than you actually want to, Two : Make her jealous, Three : That little amount of attention you give, make it steamy so that the sexual tension rises. Get it?"

Steve nodded with determination in his eyes.

"It seems hard and very unchivalrous but I guess I have no choice."

"Ready?" Clint asked.

"Let's do this." Steve replied with his fist in the air.

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