Chapter 12

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"Oh look who's here?" Clint eyed at the pair, as you and Thor swiftly landed on the floor of the hall, dropping from the inter dimensional portal.

Thor had tightly wrapped his arms around you, while you were cuddled to his chest. As soon as your foot touched the ground, you immediately pulled back from his grip and settled your hair and the green Asgardian dress, which was presented to you as a souvenir.

"If it isn't for the Prince of Asgard himself!" Tony bowed, pretending to show respect. I repeat, 'pretending'.

He came up to you and kissed the back of your hand. Noticing you dressed in a royal attire, he made a comment, which made you blush a bit.

"And, my lady, the Princess of Asgard."

Just then Steve came in. He must have heard Tony's words for he showed a panicked expression, which he immediately tried to mask with indifference by looking away. He was too embarrassed to talk to you now, although he wanted to very badly. However from the core of his heart he was very relived that you were back home.

You saw him looking away. You felt bad honestly. Even after everything, you had expected a concerned look at least. Maybe you were wrong, wrong about him. So trying to push that thought away, you replied to Tony.

"Your imagination is vivid, but I'm sorry to burst your bubble."

Thor added weight to Tony's notion, "Indeed y/n you make a beautiful Asgardian princess."

Your heart did a small flip, yet you were too concerned about Steve. It was confusing. The conflicting feelings inside you were waging a small war.

You just smiled with half a heart, tucking your hear nervously behind your ear.

"Ooohhhh, where'd you get that gown y/n?" Natasha casually strolled into the room, with a half eaten apple in her hand, breaking you from your dilemma.

"Oh this? It was a gift from Asgard."

Steve was trying not look at you. He was in the kitchen counter, pouring some milk for himself. However he just couldn't stop himself from peeping at you from the corner of his eye. You were looking beautiful in that dress. Your locks were delicately balanced against the color of the gown, which also made your eyes seem more radiant.

Nat was impressed by your whole new avatar and was complimenting you.

"Wow, I must say you make a pretty good looking Asgardian."

"It is made from the finest silk, for the prettiest ladies." Thor beamed at you as he spoke.

Bruce was the one to enter the scene last. Seeing you and Thor, he shouted in amazement.

"Oh my god! Where the hell have you two been? We have been tracing you since the day you two got lost."

"Finally Bruce, you are the only one who actually makes sense." You gave a thankful look to him, because he was the only one who had asked the most important question, rather than comment on your new get up.

"Mind telling us what happened."

Everyone had their eyes on you and Thor now, even Steve.

You told them the whole story, how you met Loki, your teleportation to the land of giants, fighting the midgard serpent, and finally how you were saved by the healers in Asgard.

When you had finished speaking, the whole crew was looking at you stupefied.

Bruce was the first one to speak.

"You mean, you killed the beast yourself."

You shrugged your shoulders before nervously laughing.

"Well, I wouldn't say killing, I just trapped it."

"You sent it to hell!" Clint gulped.

"Wow y/n. I am so proud of you." Nat smiled.

"Remind me never to mess with you." Tony cried.

Just then Steve came rushing from the kitchen. He took you by your hand and pulled you away from the crowd, leaving everyone with confused looks, except Thor, who had furrowed his brows.

Steve took you up the stairs and walked you through he aisle before, taking a sharp turn that led into his room. Once inside his room, he quickly locked the door and without any delay encaged you in his tight arms.

"Thank God you're alive. I was so worried about you."

Your eyes were wide in surprise and wonder, as you  stood frozen.

He continued to hug you.

The warmth of his body spread to you, and you couldn't help but smile. You slowly raised your arms to hug him back. Maybe you weren't wrong.

Steve smiled and tightened his grip a little.

After a moment, the man pulled himself away from you. He looked at you straight into the eye and started talking.

"Y/n, I am very sorry for that day. I.. I..." Steve began to mumble nervously.

"I didn't mean to do it you know.... I was.. Um..." The man he was, Steve did not mention Clint and Tony's part in the whole act. He took the responsibility all by himself.

"Its okay Steve, just don't try to do it again." You laughed.

He began to rub the back of his neck, smiling away, before nervously speaking out.

"Well, I was thinking I could make up to you by uh....we could go to this restaurant... I mean..."

The conflicting feelings rose inside you again. Was he asking you out ? What if you said yes ? What about Thor? You almost kissed him. Why ? Had you started liking him ?

"Y/n? Y/n?"

You shook your head as you came back to Steve. He had his hands on your shoulders with this look of concern.

His blue eyes, and that sharp long nose, which adorned his soft face gripped your heart. It wasn't like you loved him or something... Was it...? Since the day you had had your first incident with Steve, his thoughts had never left your head. You were always happy when he was around. No man had treated you so well before. He had his charms and sometimes you wondered whether it did work on others too. Like that time when he preferred Nat over you. You were mad even when you didn't want to be. You were jealous, furious! That was actually the main reason you had lashed out on him.

"Y/n? Um.... "

"Oh... Oh... I'm sorry. You were saying?"

Steve's face dropped a little.

"Look y/n, its okay if you don't wanna go." He tried to give his best smile but you were able to see the sadness behind.

You kept staring into his eyes. Something made you want to go. Something inside told you, that you should give this man a chance.

"Steve, I will go." You slowly curled your lips into a smile.

"Really?" His face lightened up. "Umm.. Okay. How about seven today."

"So fast?" You laughed, not regretting the decision even for a bit. He made you happy, and that's what mattered now.

"Too soon?"

"Umm.. Nope, I guess I can use some time to enjoy this world."


You sighed as you put your Asgardian dress in the closet. There was a part in you which made you think about Thor. The time you two had spent in the city, had changed the way you thought about him. He was an arrogant man alright, but he had a soft side too. And kiss.....

"Oh my God ! I will go mad !"

You sat down on you're bed and then lied down, running your hands through your hair.

You turned your head to the left and saw the alarm clock, its hands indicating that it was already six thirty.

"Ughhhhhh" You groaned in anger as confusion got the better of you.

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