Chapter 7

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Thor was munching away his delicious chocolate cup cake, carrying a bag of pop tarts on the other hand.

He was busy being mesmerized by the midgardian treat, but a certain sight caught his eye. He grinned mischievously.

"Loki is definitely not a good influence."

He gulped what was left of the cup cake, and summoned his hammer. The hammer came rushing down from the building. Once he caught it there was no time to waste.

Thor shot up immediately. He flew up the length of the building. He jumped over the railing of the circular balcony and landed with a heavy thud.

"You startled me to death man!" Clint cried. He was on the couch watching the TV.

Ignoring his cry, Thor quickly tossed his pop tarts over to Clint.

"Hey !" Clint shouted in irritation.

Thor paced towards the elevator and stood right in front of the door.

After less than a minute, the bell of the elevator rang and the doors slowly separated.

Inside the elevator, Thor saw you. He smirked. He had seen you entering the building, and that was what had made him do this. You were clothed in a black skin tight suit, which perfectly complemented your figure. Obviously from your attire any one could say that you were returning from SHIELD.Your hair was tied in a neat bun.

Your were looking down when you tried to rush outside the elevator but then you bumped onto a tight chest.

"Hey!" -

You stopped shouting immediately when you realized that it was Thor.

You pulled away, taking a step back. And gave Thor a stern look, who just smiled in amusement.

You moved towards your right, he too took a step in the same direction. You moved to your left. Again his moves were synchronized with yours.

This happened for quite sometime and everytime you tried to get past him, he would block you.

You closed your eyes and sighed.

"Thor, get out of my way."

"It is not I my lady, who has blocked your path. You are the one to blame." He was hinting at something else, that was so obvious from his expression, but you were too tired to process anything.

You opened your eyes to see a grinning Thor.

"Alright then"

Seeing no other ways of escape, you kicked him right in between his legs, with all the strength you could muster.

Thor bent down, covering his crotch, crying in pain, until he finally fell on the floor.

"Ow ow ow!!!"

You stood over his limp body, regretting nothing.

"I told you not to mess with her."

Clint shook his head in despair.

Just then, Bruce came into the hall, with a tab in his had.

He looked up to see a fallen Thor crying in pain, you standing right beside him with your hands on your hips and a pitiful Clint, who was shaking his head.

"Ugh... Did I miss something here? Should I come back later." Bruce asked dubiously.

"Oh no. Bruce, we were just having some fun her. Right Clint?" You shot an evil glance at him.

Clint gulped and spoke in terror, "Umm... Yes totally, HAHAHA we were just having fun. You are so funny y/n. Isn't she Thor?"


"Well okay. Anyway back to business, Fury has some urgent message for you and Thor. Follow me to the communication room, he needs to talk you two ASAP."

"I just came back from SHIELD headquarters."

"I don't know y/n. He just told me to inform you this much."

A you followed Bruce with a limping Thor behind you.

Bruce took you inside a dark room, where the only source of light was coming from the the big screen stuck to the wall of the room. It had keyboards, spanning the length of the screen itself.

Bruce typed a code in the keyboard, and then Fury was seen on the other side.

Without wasting time on any formal greeting, Fury addressed you and Thor.

"Y/n, Thor. A problem seems to have arisen. The South of New York is being invaded with a small number of Frost Giants. Thor knows them well. Y/n you will be his back up. This is the first mission I am assigning you y/n. Its a level 3 mission. Not much. Just extermination. Any questions?"

"No sir."

Thor whimpered in pain.

"No Fury."

"Are you alright Thor?" Fury asked.

Thor just nodded. Fury continued.

"The frost giants seem to be less than 12 in number. They appear to have come here through some kind of portal. Be careful not to get sucked in one. The rest is simple combat. Best of luck Avengers. Especially you y/n."

You gave a nod of appreciation and the screen went off.

"I don't know why I had to be partnered with you, but I can't complain. Ready Thor?"

"Only if you agree not to assault me again."

"I can't promise that." You whispered.


When you and Thor had finally left the hall with Bruce, Clint spoke out in terror, wiping his sweaty forehead, "I have trained a monster!"

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