Chapter 17

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"Stop it Thor!" You shouted, yet laughing at the same time.

Thor was dipping his fingers in the cookie batter, and licking them off like he was having them for the first time. Well actually it was his first time.

"Y/n, if you keep on laughing like this, Thor will never listen to you." Steve was smiling, your laugh being too contagious. He was getting the cookie tray ready.

"For once brother Steve, I agree with you." Thor curled his lips, in a mischievous manner, showing off his chocolate smeared lips and teeth. He was about to plunge his fingers again but you spanked it hard.

"Nope. Not anymore."

You flung the cookie bowl, away from Thor and called out for Steve at once.

"Steve, come quick! Before Thor finishes them!"

Steve lunged towards the bowl and caught it, immediately pouring the contents on the tray, with Thor trying to get past you.

When the deed was done, you excused yourself, leaving Thor and captain incharge.

"Okay boys, I will be back soon. Don't mess up anything."

Meanwhile in the hall, the others were busy over their private discussion.

"Woah! The three of them getting along? Laughing? Am I missing something here?" Bruce had walked passed the kitchen with confusion clouding his face on his way to the hall.

"My bet's on Thor" Clint kept his chin on his hand, holding his face in a very serious look.

"Um... Yeah, who wouldn't want a God every night for the rest of their lives. I bet calling out his name in pleasure would be no sin." Tony commented slyly, raising his brows.

Natasha stamped his foot in anger, "That's my friend you're speaking of."

"Seriously Tony ?" Bruce had a pained expression on his face.


Nat snatched the glass of scotch from Tony's hand and took a sip.

"Well if you ask me, I'd have no doubts about Steve and y/n ending up together."

"Yeah right, like you had no doubts about Budapest." Clint said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Don't you get me started birdie!"

"It's already on widow!"

"I call dibs on Bruce."

"Take your lover boy with you anyway, I already have Tony."


"You heard it Stark. Now let's go. We have a bet to win!" Clint pulled the billionaire by his collar and literally dragged him out of the room.

Bruce was trying to stealthily creep out of the room, but Nat was too clever for him.

"Bruce don't you dare." She passively threatened the world's most angriest man.

Back in the kitchen the cookie was done.


You returned back from your room, after hearing the sound and resumed your position as head chef.

You took the tray out and looked a little disappointed. There was but one cookie on the tray.

"I don't know Thor. I should have never allowed you to check whether the cookies weren't over cooked or burnt. You've eaten almost all of the cookies in doing so."

"Well that wasn't me certainly lady y/n. You are mistaken!" Thor opened his eyes wide in surprise.

You turned back to face a guilty looking, Captain America, who was but trying to hide his smile. That was the rarest of the rarest sights. Finally when you met his eyes, he gave up the whole cover up.

"Oh ! Cmon. I would've never been able to eat with this guy beside me!"

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