Chapter 11

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Thor's POV

"Lady Katelyn, will she be alright?" I immediately ran to the healer as soon as she came out of the room.

"Its the serpent's poison, Prince Thor." She sighed and kept her hand on my shoulder.

"But you have the the best healers of Asgard at your service. We all did our best. Do not lose hope on your lady friend here. She is a fighter. She will live."

I gave her a weak smile in return for her encouraging words.

"Right now she has very high fever. The poison has affected her body temperature very much. Keep her as warm as possible. Your Grace."

She took her leave, while I stormed inside y/n's chamber.

Inside the stone walled room, on the canopied bed, was y/n. She looked pale, her body trembling constantly. She took fast breaths which made me cringe in regret.

I went and sat beside her. Indeed her body was cold. It could be felt through the sheets that were wrapped up to keep her warm.

It was all my fault. Only if I had been more protective of her.....
Right after she had lost consciousness, I urgently made my way to Asgard knowing not what to do.

In Asgard, I came to know through the healers who checked her, that it was not the exhaustion of the fight that was to be held responsible for her deteriorating health, but the Serpent's poison which had entered her body via the cut in her hand. However the royal healer was efficient enough to keep her breathing, though now we do not know how long will she take to fully recover.

I was pondering upon such thoughts, which were clouded with regret and remorse but mostly my concern for y/n. It was then that my eyes fell upon the fragile creature again. I ran my fingers through her hair. She was freezing cold after all our efforts. I laid down beside her and wrapped her figure with my hand. My head was placed on her shoulder, snuggled into the crook of he neck.

The coldness invaded my body soon but I did not let go of her. She had saved my life, now it was my turn to return the favour. But honestly it was much more than that. I did not want to lose her anytime soon. I placed a light kiss on her neck and held her tightly as possible as I drifted away.


Your sleep left you when your body ache slowly seeped in through your hazy dream. Slowly you opened your eyes and tried to take in a deep breath to freshen you up but something heavy was on your chest which made it difficult for you to stretch. Plus a loud roaring sound was piercing your ears too.

When you looked around, you were shocked to see a snoring Thor resting his head on your bosoms, his hands tightly wrapped around your waist and his legs over yours.

"Aahhh" You cried in fear.

"What ?! Who dare touch lady y/n ? Loki ?!"
Thor immediately woken up by your loud cry, lifted his head at once and shouted half sleepily.

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