Chapter 3

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It was a beautiful morning. You got up from the bed, did the usual morning chores and got ready for the gym. You ran down the stairs and saw nobody in the kitchen and hall.

"Hmm.... No one must be up"

You walked through the passage beside the elevator. On your left you could see the beautiful New York city, reflecting the rays of the morning sun. You swiftly went down the stairs that led you straight to a hallway.

You were about to head inside the gym when you heard someone punching really hard. It was coming form the training room, which was right adjacent to the gym.

Curiosity got the better of you and you slowly opened the door. You peeped inside and saw Steve. He looked really focused with his furrowed brows. Sweat was dripping from every inch of his body. You just stood there looking at the beautiful man he was.

Steve felt conscious. He could feel someone's eyes on him, he looked around just to make sure and there you were. Your hair was tied in a pony tail, your bangs were perfectly placed on your small forehead. You were clad in a grey track suit, that was hanging loose on your body. Still Steve didn't know why you looked so beautiful. It was perhaps because of those star lit e/c eyes.

"Oh" you yelped in embarrassment. "I am sorry for interrupting you. I should go" You had just turned halfway around when he called out for you.

"Y/n ?!"

You looked back from your shoulders to see a concerned Steve.

"I... I... I just wanted you to apologize you for yesterday. I hope you can forget that and start afresh?"

You were startled by his reaction, you stood there staring at him, waiting what to say, while he stood there nervously waiting for your reply. Finally your lips curled up in smile.

"It's okay Mr. Rogers. Let's start again."

Steve returned you, an even more happy smile.

"By the way. Call me Steve."

"Then call me y/n"


You and Steve were returning from the gym, talking and laughing on the way. When you two made the turn towards the kitchen you saw Clint, Nat and Tony already on the dinning table, making much noises, shouting at each other and joking.

"What's for breakfast today?" Steve asked.

"Good morning Cap" Clint turned around to look at the tall blonde but was surprised to see you too. "Hey y/n seems like you made a new friend. Great start." Clint gave you a thumbs up.

Tony interrupted, "Oh hello, good morning. Did anything interesting happen to you two today?!"

Clint and Nat now confused, looked at Tony.

You eyed at Tony, as if trying to say, 'Why are you doing this?' But he just grinned. Steve was blushing all the way.

If it hadn't been for Bruce, who had just entered the kitchen, you would'nt have known what to do.

"Oh hello y/n." He walked towards you and shook your hand.

"I did not get to see you yesterday. I was busy with my work. Well anyway, welcome to your new home."

He smiled at you kindly and the three of you made your way to the table.


There was lot of talking going on during breakfast. The hot topic of the day was you. Mostly Tony, Bruce and Steve were asking you questions but Clint and Nat were interested too.

"So what you say my dear is that Clint met you during one of his missions. You stopped a bullet from piercing his heart."
Tony asked curiously.

You nodded your head politely.

"And how did you do that exactly?" Bruce questioned next.

"Well, you see I can manipulate water, air, fire and other things too like, metal stuffs, plastic, etc. Basically I can make things fly in the air, create wind, change its directions, make fire dance and water, swirl and swish. So I just made the bullet change its direction, there was a little bit of air control too"

"Hmmm....." Both the scientists hummed in unison.

"Hey can you also control earth, thunder and lightning, sound or even lift off humans?" Clint asked inquisitively.

" Earth, yes, a bit. Thunder and Lightning.Well I have never tried, so I don't know. Sound no. And humans. I tried once but I broke his neck. So um... Nope, but maybe if I train hard enough."

"Speaking of thunder, where is Thor? He wasn't even there in yesterday's meeting. Have you met Thor y/n?" Natasha asked.

"Not personally."

Tony explained his friend's situation, "Well our big boy here has gone to Asgard. He said he will be back by today."

"You will be meeting a God today, so keep your list of wishes ready." Clint winked at you.

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