Chapter 6

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"Clint, please go and get the groceries."

"I'll think about it." Clint replied as he flipped through the channels.

Tony sighed, rolling his eyes, thinking why did he allow such free loaders to live in his house.

You slowly glided down the staircase and made your way to Tony.

"Mr. Stark, since I am not occupied at the moment, I will go."

"Darling how many times do I have to tell you to call me Tony? And thank you" Tony winked.

"I owe you one y/n" Clint shouted from the couch.


You were inside the mart, when you heard women screaming outside. You ran as fast as you could to find out what it was.

Outside the mart, you saw a tall Thor smiling and beaming, surrounded by a crowd of women.

"Ladies, ladies, as much as I would love to spend time with you, I cannot do so. I have an errand to run."

The women were shouting out to Thor, voicing their love for him, saying how handsome he was, that they had never seen such a sexy man before.

"Well, if you say so." You could see the pride on his face.

You rolled your eyes and turned around to get back inside when Thor saw you.

"Y/n! Y/n!" He waved his hands.

You sighed and looked over your shoulder.

"I must apologize my ladies, but I have to make my leave now."

Thor pushed through the sulking crowd aside and walked towards you.

"What are you doing here Thor?"

"Well, I came here to give you the list." He smiled from ear to ear.

You snatched the paper form his hands and without even glancing you crushed it with your hands, before putting it in your jeans' rear pocket.

"I knew what I had to bring, but Tony could have just texted."

"Well he said that too, but I insisted on coming."

"Why?" You gave a displeased look.

"Because I wanted to spend some time with you."

You narrowed your eyes and spoke, "I am still not over the fact that you kissed me."

"Was it that good? Can't forget it eh?"

"That's not what I meant ! I mean, I am still angry, and I dislike you because of what you did."

"Are you sure about that my lady?"

"Yes." You walked inside with Thor following.

"I can't give up so easily."

"I am not even interested."

You walked towards the vegetable department, putting some of the greens in your trolley.

"Ugh, I hate broccoli." Thor stated sticking out his tongue.

He looked around, left and right, and told you to stay where you were for a minute. Not heeding to his request, you went around to the cereal section.

After a minute or so, Thor came running towards you with a arm full of pop tarts.

"What the hell is this Thor?"

"I told you to stay where you were! And these are pop tarts. Everybody likes them!"

"I'm sure that they are not even in the list!"

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