Chapter 13

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You walked down the stairs, with Steve waiting for you below. You wore skinny jeans with an oversized sweater, and carried a little satchel over your shoulder. Your hair was tied up in a messy bun, with a few strands of lose hair here and there.

"Hey." You called out to Steve shyly.

Steve turned around and looked up to you.

"You look beautiful."

"You're being too kind."  You laughed lightly as you took his hand, which he had offered to you.

The two of you walked out into the hallway.  Thor was sitting there in the couch, along with Clint.

He looked up at you and then at Steve. His face was hard and angry. You gave him a kind smile trying to express apology. There was no reason for you to be so, still a sense of betrayal was brewing in you.

However, to your relief, Thor returned your smile with a side grin and the shook his head as if saying don't go.

You rolled you're eyes in response, feeling inside that things were almost back to normal. Little did you know that, it wasn't so.

Steve was busy talking to Clint, when you two were exchanging looks. After he was done, Steve noticed the two of you and raised his brow, while making eye contact with Thor.

Thor tilted his head to the side, as he lay back, spreading his arms on the couch, not breaking his eye contact with Steve. It seemed from his look that, he was warning Steve, telling him that if anything happened to you, there would be no mercy.

Steve on the other hand must have been telling him not to worry. You wouldn't get a scratch under his watch, unlike some other incapable people.

'Burn!' Clint shouted within, as he was the one imagining all these weird stuffs inside his head, although the truth was not too far from his notions.

"Shall we?" Finally Steve offered you his arm as he decided that his date was more important than telepathically talking to Thor all night.

You crossed your arm around his, and made way to the elevator, leaving behind an enraged Thor.

"You know I can give you advice if you want." Clint spoke up when you two were finally gone, but Thor was still staring at the elevator.

The Prince then, hurriedly got off his seat and walked away, leaving behind an awkward Clint.

"Or maybe not."


"God Steve its thundering outside." You commented as soon as you approached the doorstep of the building.

"Maybe I know just why." Steve looked up at the building, and took a heavy sigh, knowing it would be no one else other than Thor.

Still unaware of this, you innocently asked him in concern.

"What are we gonna do about it?"

"Wait here."

Steve swiftly ran outside the building and after sometime appeared in his Harley Davidson.

"A little thunder will do no harm!" He smiled.

You ran up to him and sat behind, like a little excited boy.

"Off we go!"

"Wait!" Steve shouted.

"What now?"

He quickly opened his jacket and turned around to put it on you.

"This. I don't want you to get wet."

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